
Posted by an unregistered user
I have had a few altercations when trying to return items to CT.
My first experience was when they sold pellet guns that looked like a real hand gun
to my under age child who at that time was 15. the same day of purchased the police had taken the guns when someone had seen them and thought they were real.
the police had the guns as well as the reciept but of course no package
there for CT would not take them back even tough the store supposably has an age limit to be able to purchase them.
Then I had purchased a dirt bike which was 12 days old only to find out that CT does not give refunds on anything that has an engine, no where on the reciept does it say that
however then they also said there is dirt on the wheels so it is not in its origional condition.
I mean really I am not for see the future to know its not gonna work without driving it!!!!!!!!!!!!
on the reciept it indicates 90 return or refund or exchange however it should say only if item
has not been opened..........
When I called the CT customer service line I was advised it is the customers responsability
to ask about the warranty which then you might be advised not refundable
Another good set of reasons to stop shopping at Canadian Tire altogether. Canadians have to be the biggest pushovers when it comes to being treated like shit by retailers and yet still go back for more!
1) our kid is stupid for buying it, not the store for selling it. raise your kids right, and dont blame everyone else
2) why did you ride the bike for days before taking it back. that makes no sense. if it was broken, they would replace it.
you sound like those people you buy camera from FS, and return them after there trip
If the bike was DEFECTIVE, you would have had no problem returning it. But buy the bike, use the bike for a few days, decide you don't actually want it, and get your full refund back? No. How would the store make any money if we did this all the time?

it clearly says on the bottom, and back of your receipt that there are exceptions to the standard 90 day return policy. It also CLEARLY states that to apply for the 90 day return ploicy it has to be in ORGIINAL CONDITION AND PACKAGING.

If it's used, it obviously doesn't apply. Also, if you ever buy anything for more then ten dollars, just go up to the customer service desk and ask what the warranty is and if it's one of those exceptions. It'll save you a lot of aggravation because once you're well informed, you can decide if that product is really worth any extra hassle.

We don't make the rules, we just are forced to enforce them.
most items such as a dirt bike or vacuum that requirs you to try it first can be returned in 7 days if it does not work. I am not defending CT in anyway but i have spent years working in retail and customers are never as innocent as they portray themselfs to be and the stores are never quit as evil. A peice of advice to anyone dealing with any store.... These people deal with shoplifter, fauders, scammers and complete assholes on a daily basis. It doesnt take much for them to put up a defensive wall. When you go in to talk to them be a polite reasonable human being and you will get allot farther.
most items such as a dirt bike or vacuum that requirs you to try it first can be returned in 7 days if it does not work. I am not defending CT in anyway but i have spent years working in retail and customers are never as innocent as they portray themselfs to be and the stores are never quit as evil. A peice of advice to anyone dealing with any store.... These people deal with shoplifter, fauders, scammers and complete assholes on a daily basis. It doesnt take much for them to put up a defensive wall. When you go in to talk to them be a polite reasonable human being and you will get allot farther.

here here.. could not have said it better
These people deal with shoplifter, fauders, scammers and complete assholes on a daily basis. It doesnt take much for them to put up a defensive wall. When you go in to talk to them be a polite reasonable human being and you will get allot farther.

So, therefore, the geniuses who work at Canadian Tire have to assume everyone is a shoplifter, scammer, or complete asshole? What a great way to run a business. This is why I'll never shop at Canadian Tire. I won't patronize an establishment that expects me to go in, make my purchase, grovel to them, and then quietly take it up the ass when something goes wrong with the product.
So, therefore, the geniuses who work at Canadian Tire have to assume everyone is a shoplifter, scammer, or complete asshole? What a great way to run a business. This is why I'll never shop at Canadian Tire. I won't patronize an establishment that expects me to go in, make my purchase, grovel to them, and then quietly take it up the ass when something goes wrong with the product.

We ask nothing that is not expected.. Common sense,

1. We want a receipt
- Know that you indeed are the purchaser
- When it was purchased
- How much you paid
- What store it was purchased at (if not stocked as current store we need to know what store to ship it to!)
- What tender you purchased with
- In order for US to get our credit back, we HAVE to have a receipt to foreclose with the manufacture.

2. Photo ID.
- If you are returning 20 products a week, something is wrong and seems quite obvious not due to defects.
- If there is fraud, we want to ensure we know who it is.

We ask nothing that is quite OPEN to the public.. Your name, address, and postal code.. PRIVATE? Have you ever looked in your MAILBOX?? Every letter sent to you had that exact information.

What about when we ask for photoID for credit cards with no signature? Are you going to argue as to WHY you should show ID??? It's for YOUR PROTECTION!

There are SO much dishonest people!

1. Those of you who buy chains and expect us to return it once you used it to get over the patrol.
2. Returning auto battery chargers/power packs after you use it to your own usage as a LOAN and expect us to take it back!
3. Using a vacuum and claiming you never used it only to discover a WAD of cat fur in the filter and when we deny the return you argue and lie to our faces about suddenly you HAVE used it and you wonder why we don't believe anything you say after that.
4. Those of you who open up our SEALED products, lay it all over the floor, WITHOUT EVEN THINKING HOW TO EVEN GET IT BACK IN THE BOX, then you take a NEW sealed box and leave US the opened one now at a COST to us because NO ONE will buy it!

Literally every single day we are trying repackage and figure out what to do with the bunch of 10-12pc. Kitchen aid sets that sell for $699!!!

So if anyone is to be angry with anyone, it's CANADIAN TIRE! The staff, the managers, the dealers.. It's true, we do seem to put up with MORE crap than most anyone else!

We give you 3 MONTHS to return UNUSED, UNOPENED Products (resellable condition)... Who else does? Not many..

You still expect us to replace OLD, BEAT UP, BROKEN UP, SCRAPED UP, mastercraft measuring tapes CLAIMING they are defective!?!!?????

That right there is FRAUD..

So perhaps stop complaining about what we are FORCED to do and concentrate and making a CHANGE to your shopping habits.
We ask nothing that is not expected.. Common sense,

So if anyone is to be angry with anyone, it's CANADIAN TIRE! The staff, the managers, the dealers.. It's true, we do seem to put up with MORE crap than most anyone else!

So perhaps stop complaining about what we are FORCED to do and concentrate and making a CHANGE to your shopping habits.

If you're putting up with "so much crap" then get out of the business. I work too hard for my money to be treated like shit and be suspected of criminal motives.
If you're putting up with "so much crap" then get out of the business. I work too hard for my money to be treated like shit and be suspected of criminal motives.

Sorry to bust your bubble but EVERY store takes some type of action to deter theives..

Why don't you go to your local grocery store and complain they are accusing you of being a possible theif because they have cameras all around, LPO wandering the store, locking gates that are not being used, theft prevention means via audio announcement at the exit.. You act like we are the only business who does this.

If you are so trusting, next time you go to work be sure to leave your register open after all everyone is honest according to you. Business's don't need to protect themselves at all.
Sorry to bust your bubble but EVERY store takes some type of action to deter theives..

Why don't you go to your local grocery store and complain they are accusing you of being a possible theif because they have cameras all around, LPO wandering the store, locking gates that are not being used, theft prevention means via audio announcement at the exit.. You act like we are the only business who does this.

If you are so trusting, next time you go to work be sure to leave your register open after all everyone is honest according to you. Business's don't need to protect themselves at all.

In true Canadian Tire fashion, you resort to extremes. Cameras in the stores don't bother me because they're unobtrusive and are passive. The cameras don't accuse me of being dishonest. I won't even touch the cash register point, since it's too ridiculous to even comment on.
So, therefore, the geniuses who work at Canadian Tire have to assume everyone is a shoplifter, scammer, or complete asshole? What a great way to run a business. This is why I'll never shop at Canadian Tire. I won't patronize an establishment that expects me to go in, make my purchase, grovel to them, and then quietly take it up the ass when something goes wrong with the product.
Wow so now Canadian Tire isn't the problem but somehow im not a worth while human being because i work there.. I never said we think all customers are bad, simply that retail tends to bring out the worst of some people. I have had many wonderful customers and believe it or not many very good customer comments about myself and my staff. And for someone who will not patronize ct you seem to spend enough time talking about it. Your agruments are not even all rational just nothin more than pointless complaining.
Wow so now Canadian Tire isn't the problem but somehow im not a worth while human being because i work there.. I never said we think all customers are bad, simply that retail tends to bring out the worst of some people. I have had many wonderful customers and believe it or not many very good customer comments about myself and my staff. And for someone who will not patronize ct you seem to spend enough time talking about it. Your agruments are not even all rational just nothin more than pointless complaining.

I wish you Canadian Tire employees would learn how to read (but if you did, you'd likely be able to work elsewhere). Point out where I said you were not a worthwhile human being. Additionally, the complaints I have read on here are invariably all valid. If you don't like it, then go to a website that praises Canadian Tire. Oh wait, that hasn't been invented.
i have no problem with anyone complianing about Canadian Tire. How ever a proper complaint has a central point and and desired outcome... However as soon as anyone adresses an issue you complain about something else and begin to become insulting to people. Canadain Tire isnt perfect but in my opinion you are going off the deep end. The other thing is that you are only seeing one side of the story. From the way you are speaking it seems that you think Canadain Tire should allow people to steal from them and treat them like human garbage for the sake of Customer Service. You are not just insulting canadian tire but also the people who work there. You say you dont deserve to be treated poorly well why should they. Why should someone who works at CT be treated poorly by you becasue another employee at a ct has pissed you off. What give you the right to insult someone who works at CT who may do a good job, they dont make or choose the product or set the rules... and to say if you were better you wouldn't work there? Some people have obligations that require them to work... people that depend on them... ever think they need the job? Jobs are not always easy to find. Maybe if you had a better job you wouldn't have needed to shop at Canadain Tire
i have no problem with anyone complianing about Canadian Tire. How ever a proper complaint has a central point and and desired outcome... However as soon as anyone adresses an issue you complain about something else and begin to become insulting to people. Canadain Tire isnt perfect but in my opinion you are going off the deep end. The other thing is that you are only seeing one side of the story. From the way you are speaking it seems that you think Canadain Tire should allow people to steal from them and treat them like human garbage for the sake of Customer Service. You are not just insulting canadian tire but also the people who work there. You say you dont deserve to be treated poorly well why should they. Why should someone who works at CT be treated poorly by you becasue another employee at a ct has pissed you off. What give you the right to insult someone who works at CT who may do a good job, they dont make or choose the product or set the rules... and to say if you were better you wouldn't work there? Some people have obligations that require them to work... people that depend on them... ever think they need the job? Jobs are not always easy to find. Maybe if you had a better job you wouldn't have needed to shop at Canadain Tire

I haven't shopped at Canadian Tire in seven years because of their bullshit. It's heartening to see many people posting on here that they're awakening to Canadian Tire's hostile attitude toward customers. Too bad you don't have enough brains to do likewise.
I'm sorry to hear about the bad experiences you had. Our store has won 1st place many times and if fact this year we won $5000 cash for the top 10 Canadian Tire for Customer Service. So not all Canadian Tires are horrible places. It can all depends on the management and dealer.

Whatever, your staff consists of a bunch of uneducated, ugly people who don't know what they're talking about and aren't properly trained. I mean I saw a general manager the other day and her face made me wanna puke, she dressed like a slob and had an attitude problem. So f*** you. You don't value customers hence your empty stores.

Whatever, your staff consists of a bunch of uneducated, ugly people who don't know what they're talking about and aren't properly trained. I mean I saw a general manager the other day and her face made me wanna puke, she dressed like a slob and had an attitude problem. So f*** you. You don't value customers hence your empty stores.

it's interesting how you can make such assumptions when you don't even know which location I manage. Our store has won multiple customer service awards including the top 5 award for customer service. We have customers who have written out 1-2 pages of comments to our staff for their great, friendly, and enthusiastic employee's. I'm sorry to hear you didn't experience that at the store you shop at. Obviously that is a problem with management over there.

Perhaps you should address HER your anger and not me personally. :rolleyes:
"Our store has won multiple customer service awards including the top 5 award for customer service."

Who hands out these awards?

If it's head office, it's faint praise indeed...