#251, freshly posted.

(Still not enough to alarm The Moaner, I assume - how many will it take, to convince Moaner1 there's a genuine problem with their beloved company?)

Richard M.: Fortunately I'm boycotting Canadian Tire because they actually rip me off. Purchased a roofing nailer and nail gun combo made by Mastercraft. it didn't work brand new out of the box when I took it straight back to Canadian Tire they said they wanted to send it out for repair I purchased a brand new nail gun not a repaired defective one they wouldn't give me my money back for the nail gun when I told him I didn't want it repaired then they end up keeping my nail gun and the roofing nailer I never resolved it I tried to resolve it with Canadian Tire MasterCard services. they were worse than dealing with the manager at Langley store. all I wanted was my money back so I could choose another nail gun that was not going to be a defective Mastercraft product. As long as Canadian Tire believe in ripping off the public I'm going to boycott them and so should you they haven't taken care of me and they won't take care of you the only $180 plus interest I cancel my MasterCard Canadian Tire card . today they lost over $3000 of my business . which is about what I spent a Canadian Tire every year for the last 15 they went for my favorite store to the bottom of the heap low life . don't let them do what they did to me don't purchase Mastercraft products they won't stand behind them. Please post and share this people should know


Richard M.: "You're fired" isn't good enough lol they stoled from me took my money and the defective product when a brand new product doesn't work correctly right out of the box you should be able to return for new one or change it for a different one if you want not have it sent off for repair I payed for a new product not a fixed one don't by Mastercraft air tools they don't stand behind there own stuff

Richard M.: And just what is customer service going to do for me the Canadian Tire master card services and the Canadian Tire store managers couldn't do. they stole from me and refused to resolve issue. maybe you guys should talk to the store and to Canadian Tire MasterCard services they know who I am if they don't its because Canadian Tire doesn't give a s*** . It's about doing the right thing and stealing from long time Loyal customers is not the right thing . not only am I out of roofing nailer and a nail gun $180 what is the runaround from the store and card services for 6 to8 months on top of that now you guys want me to go out of my way to deal with it you guys should be coming to me not me going to you its up to Canadian Tire to do the right thing I've giving you the opportunity more than once
There is no way to know what the 'tipping point' for Crappy Tire will be, when they realize that they've lost the support of Canadian Consumers.

There will always be a core group of supporters, who will shop with any Canadian retailer, regardless of how poor their products and services are, out of a sense of patriotism.

But a lot of these supporters report strong feelings of betrayal, when their loyalty isn't returned. These are the people who become strong voices of dissent. Yet CT doesn't seem to mind losing them, in their short-term cash-grab.

And the worse the products and services become, the more the open-minded consumers will catch on, and at least avoid them.

Eventually, awareness of the poor service and quality will become part of their 'brand', in the mind of the public, and they will become another Zellers.
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Because of their repeated "bait and switch" tactic, we have Boycotter #258:

Cheryl W. What a rip off! The store where I am apparently sold out of the item at 3PM Sale starts at 6PM! Will NOT be going back to Canadian Tire! Worker was very rude!
Short term cash grab? LOL
SHORT TERM? I guess the last few decades of profitable quarters, after profitable quarters is short term in your mind. Decades man, do you hear that, decades!

YOu have the worst predications, analyis etc.... i've ever seen. Just another Zellers, yah good luck with that. PRomise you we have many many many decades ahead of profit and growth. If you want to find your next Zellers I may point you in the direction of Sears, Rona, Lowes Canada and although they won't go bust, Target which is struggling with its entrance into the market here North of the Border.
Maybe we will buy another insolvent company like Forzani and turn them around. Oh wait, Forzani wasn't insolvent that was just the claims you guys made. Wait we over paid right?
Before you claim bait and switch, perhaps you should understand what that term means in terms of the rules that we as retailers are governed by.
Just like previous claims of false advertising when we run out of stock on something. Sorry, you're wrong.

You call yourself a consumer advocate and you dont' even know the rules. Hang your head in shame, you should be embarassed to represent yourself as an advocate when you don't even understand what you're talking about.

Come see me when there is even a remote sign of trouble at Canadian Tire. Until then you're just full of loud mouth opinions that carry no weight. If they did, you'd have people signing up on here like crazy to join this website. Although I will say you have increased your number of regulars by an amazing 50%. That's shocking growth. Instead of two of you, H8R and Challenger, there's now three of you thanks to the addition of the horseboy. 50% growth, how can you sustain those types of results?
hahhahahahahhaa EPIC FAIL
Well, I see The Moaner also misrepresented when they would be reposting, i.e., "next quarter".

They also continue to misrepresent what consumers have said on here, i.e., that anyone on here ever claimed to be some kind of 'consumer advocate'. This is completely untrue, but I guess it's suppose to take some of the sting out of being called on their poor business practices.

Regarding the 'bait and switch' issue, there is already a thread on that, here: https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/g...sucks-sales-not-enough-stock-bait-switch.html

Speaking of misrepresentations, nobody said that merely 'running out of stock' automatically means' bait and switch'. Nice try! But I'll leave those detail in the proper thread.

It's hard not to notice that The Moaner still hasn't addressed the many issue that they've been called to account for, such as their misrepresentations about battery retailers (still waiting for the 'readily available' evidence!) and the 'new way consumers can get refunds (still waiting for detail! LMAO). Plus, we still haven't heard exactly how many boycotts the Moaner needs to see here, to admit that there's a problem!

No, it's pretty obvious that The Moaner just doesn't like it when someone starts keeping track of even a small sample of the Canadians who have already joined the boycott against them - including people who are tired of the bait-and-switch tactic they've been getting away with for so long.
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Finally, there is one valid point The Moaner One has raised: naïve Canadians do appear to be still supporting this horrible store!

Although there are signs that word is finally getting out, there is still much work to be done, educating our fellow Canadians!

Let's keep up the good work - and let the Moanings point the way!
actually whether or not we continue our good work is irrelevent.just about everyone i speak to these days has either had a horrid experience with CT or knows someone who has.as you say h8r,short term they are fine.by ripping customers off by refusing refunds,their short term returns are going to be looking pretty rosy,but honestly if they dont understand the long term dissent they are creating then they are the fools.i honestly think mr CT owner is actually starting to get worried,and his bravado is simply that.now if only i can present my findings of FRAUD in front of the judge at the settlement conference i honestly think the cards will start to fall much sooner than mr owner thinks.
But let us not be distracted from the purpose of this thread:

To encourage our fellow Canadians to join the growing number of people who have pledged (either silently, just to their families, to their friends and neighbours, just on CT's Facebook page, or to the world in general) to never go to Canadian Tire again.

An excellent way to do this, is to keep track of a small, small sample of those who have already made this pledge in writing on the internet, mainly on Crappy Tire's very own Facebook page.

A list that continues to grow.

Keep up the good work, Canadian Consumers!
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Regardless of how deluded The Moaner is, even this small sample of CT boycotters keeps rising.

Will Moaner 1 ever answer for the BS he's been posting here? Maybe not - they don't seem to be addressing any issues at all ...


Jeffrey B.: boycott ctc
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This boycotter has been at it for a long time - goes to show you, things haven't improved much in the last 40 years!


Teri M.: Had a terrible terrible experience with Cdn Tire in 1973 auto and never shopped there since. Had an appt and took the day off work in case the appt took longer than expected... and they took walk ins before me because they were MEN needing something done and I was a young woman. It was like that back then. At the end of the day the mechanic said come back tomorrow. I cut up my Cdn Tire card - and never went or shopped there since.
The Moaner had a lot to say, about 'gee we still have customers, so all must be 100% OK with our services'.

But I think Nick sums it up pretty well, on her post to f/b on CT's own page:

Nick D.: Look at all the negative comments on here. Looks like I am not the only one. Maybe now they will realize when you rip off the customer you will lose business. people are not stupid and they eventually find out about it.
Jeffrey B.: boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott
Roger P.: Every comment is from Canadian tire is we're sorry please contact customer service, well I have several times and nobody ever responds! I should take them to court
Jeffrey B.: boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott like how ctc keeps deleting my message instead of doing something about it.

Roxalou D.: Candian tire no longer cares about their customers im shopping only at walmart and home building

Not sure I understand or agree with their reasoning ... but at least they are boycotting Crappy Tire!

John B.: We no longer shop Canada Tire - they support Israeli occupation of former Palestine. Even their flyers go unread.