
Posted by an unregistered user
Last summer, I bought a Simoniz 1750 pressure washer on sale. The very frist time I went to use it, the gun leaked at the trigger and there was no pressure. I went back to CT and the clerk told me that they had a lot of complaints about this pressure washer and that Simoniz would send me a new gun handle if I called them. So, off I went and called Simoniz, and a week later, they send me a new handle for the pressure washer. I went to use it again, and this time, it worked... for 5 minutes! The handle started to leak again, so off I went to CT with my pressure washer, original packaging, and receipt. At this time, I was told that they did not accept any returns on Simoniz pressure washers. Sure enough, every unit they had on the floor now had a disclaimer stating that if I bought this pressure washer, I would not be able to return it. I asked to speak to the manager, I asked him... So, if I were to buy this pressure washer and walked out the door, and came back 2 minutes later to return it, I couldn't? He said No, no returns what so ever. Isn't there a law against this? They obviously know they are selling a defective product...

With no assistance at the store, I was told I would have to deal with Simoniz. Long story short... after repeated phone calls and 5 gun handles later... it was the end of summer. Time to pack the pressure washer away. I told the agent at Simoniz, I wouldn't get to use the pressure washer to ensure it would work, since it is almost winter, and I would be packing it away for the year. He said that he would document my situation in my file.

Fast forward to this year, it's spring, I'm taking my pressure washer out to use for the first time (really, I haven't really used it at all yet). I stored it in my heated basement to ensure there would be no issues. But sure enough, I plug everything in, water spews out from the base of the unit. I call Simoniz, they give me the number to the repair center where they can do local repairs under the warranty. I call the repair center, and they tell me that Simoniz is no longer supplying them with the parts for this model of pressure washer. Nice.

I call CT again at their "Corporate Customer Service" center and expained my situation and my displeasure that this store was knowingly selling a defective item. The woman at corporate then told me that all the stores were individually owned and that they could set their own return policies. So, I asked her why Canadian Tire, the corporation, didn't care what their frachisees were donig to tarnish the CT name? She then repeated that the store was individually owned... she obviously didn't care herself!

I truly hope CT goes bankrupt. I will not shop there again. And I will tell everyone I know, not to shop there either!
This is typical of Canadian Tire and the more people who learn about it, the better off we'll be. The whole Canadian Tire policy on returns is something like this, "We've got your money now, so fuck you!"
Simoniz products are really bad. They are complete junk and should not be sold. I worked at Canadian Tire for 3 years. Simoniz motorized products are only there to help sell Simoniz liquids, like washer fluids and such.
I also had a bad experience with Simoniz, they are wht worst product i have ever used, i bought a 2500 psi unit, the 1st time i used it, water leaking everywhere, i tried to return it, they said no, no return policy, So off i go home, call the 1800 fuck you phone number, this is where they tell you to come to one of their stores to get it checked out, after they check out the item, they tell me I owe them 45$ for their time, plus another 40 for a hose and gun, I have owned this unit for 1 day , tried using it once and now i have to pay for a repair, they told me the unit was tampered with and no warrenty.
Now i am losing it, back to can tire, tell them the story, they say sorry nothing i can do.
So what do i do, I stand in front of the store with a huge sign telling everybody about my experience, finally they tell me to leave or they call the cops.
So off i go home, put a big ass sign on my truck, advertising my issue with a loud speaker, I spend the entire day there driving back and forth in front of there store.
Finally the General manager calls me in tells me what is it going to take to make me stop.
I tell him my full refund, my gas and 2 days of bullshit time waste.
So he paid me the MOFO.
Long story short, never give up, you always get what you want.
Canadian Tire sucks .
I also had a bad experience with Simoniz, they are wht worst product i have ever used, i bought a 2500 psi unit, the 1st time i used it, water leaking everywhere, i tried to return it, they said no, no return policy, So off i go home, call the 1800 fuck you phone number, this is where they tell you to come to one of their stores to get it checked out, after they check out the item, they tell me I owe them 45$ for their time, plus another 40 for a hose and gun, I have owned this unit for 1 day , tried using it once and now i have to pay for a repair, they told me the unit was tampered with and no warrenty.
Now i am losing it, back to can tire, tell them the story, they say sorry nothing i can do.
So what do i do, I stand in front of the store with a huge sign telling everybody about my experience, finally they tell me to leave or they call the cops.
So off i go home, put a big ass sign on my truck, advertising my issue with a loud speaker, I spend the entire day there driving back and forth in front of there store.
Finally the General manager calls me in tells me what is it going to take to make me stop.
I tell him my full refund, my gas and 2 days of bullshit time waste.
So he paid me the MOFO.
Long story short, never give up, you always get what you want.
Canadian Tire sucks .

Good for you!!! I wish more people would stand up for themselves like that.:jiggy:
Hilarious story.
I had a similar pressure washer problem. They would not replace it and randomly accused me of leaving it out in cold weather and therefore it broke. Total junk product, but if you sell it, you should be held accountable. I never go for the "not our problem" response.

I left a dead battery, still well under warranty, but not honoured, right in front of their front sliding doors, but wouldn't have the guts to do what you did.

I do have thoughts of a much more stealthy response, like flooding their customer service lines, their website, or using technology to cause the same effect as you tell everyone that Canadian Tire is a low class store who will use any legal loophole to screw their customers.

they will go bankrupt. they used to survive on the fact that they were the big store, but now they have low end products, often seconds or products that other stores won't sell. This is particularly true of batteries, tires AND their business is going to Walmart, Home Depot and Costco. Those stores have found a niche and should survive.

My customer service experience was similar. Thank you, yada, yada, we will forward this to a specialist, yada, yada, then the rejection of my claim for one of a shopping list of excuses. They could say anything, really, and unless you're willing to go to court, or camp outside the store, you have no chance of success. Small claims court is a viable option because it only costs customer about $75 to file a claim, and by the time they get their lawyer involved, it will cost them $5k or more. If the claim is reasonable, they would not consider awarding costs to CT so its very little risk for a reasonable claim. I would urge any and all pissed off customers to spend the time to do that, and a positive outcome might well be an offer to settle it right away.

Personally, I'm gonna try all legit means to inform web shoppers that the store sucks. This means finding ways to get sites like this one at the top of search results for people looking to buy, or by flagging it on shop bot type site. Wish me luck. My object is to damage sales by $500k over the next two years.
Ummm, this seems more like you have an issue with Simoniz, not with CT. I am in no way defending CT, I truly hate them, but seems they haven't done much wrong, other than sell a shitty product. If there is a sign on the unit, saying No Returns, and you buy it, 2 minutes later try and return it, you can't, because there was a sign posted stating no returns, there's no law stopping that. Again, not defending CT because they shouldn't be doing that at all, but seems your issue here is with Simoniz rather than CT.
Good stores stand behind the product they sell. They don't pass the buck. Even if they are of crappy quality. Visit Princess Auto lately?
Good stores stand behind the product they sell. They don't pass the buck. Even if they are of crappy quality. Visit Princess Auto lately?

Princess Auto isn't as big as CT, they can't afford to just pass the buck like CT does. And yes I do agree a good store stands behind the product they sell, but this is CT we're talking about. An issue like this, it would just be easier to deal with Simoniz than CT lol.
In your post, you plainly state that CT passes the buck. You also infer that they don't stand behind their products.

Now what exactly is the reason I would want to shop there? Right. I haven't darkened their doors in over two years, and intend to keep it that way...
And they're doing fine without you, Roger.

The thing that most of you don't realise is this: Canadian Tire doesn't need your business. Simple as that. The majority of their revenue doesn't come from car repairs and pressure washers. You think you can stop people from going to CT to buy lightbulbs, jars and paper towels? Good luck.
They won't be "doing fine" if Canadians ever wake up and realize that Canadian Tire is not some kind of icon and that it's not patriotic duty to shop there just because it says "Canadian" in the name.
Until then, I guess many Canadians will just ignorantly roll over and whisper softly, Give it to me again Canadian Tire".
There are no words to describe Crappy Tire,
Thiefs Liers evasive etc etc etc...
... some day we may learn more about
are they real mafia? or they just have
corupted government connections..??????????.....
I just used my Simoniz S1750 for about the 3rd time and the rotary nozzle started spewing water everywhere, so I tried to tighten it and it broke off in the gun! Nice. I bought it at Canadian Tire earlier this year and now live in Mexico, so I'm hooped I guess. I can get a new wand with nozzle for about 20.00 and have it shipped here for another 30.00 or so but why, when it'll just screw up again?
While I WILL agree with you all that Simon pressure washers ARE in fact horrible! With all the stores I've worked at, we've always had problems. One problem customers don't understand is that we are NOT who warranties them. The manufacturer gives us very strict rules as to what we CAN and CANNOT do. Most is to prevent people from LOANING the pressure washer and claiming they are defective. Like batteries and most all warrantied products, if we don't adhere to the rules past by the manufacture, the dealer ends up eating the cost because the manufacture/vendor declines the warranty.
While I WILL agree with you all that Simon pressure washers ARE in fact horrible! With all the stores I've worked at, we've always had problems. One problem customers don't understand is that we are NOT who warranties them. The manufacturer gives us very strict rules as to what we CAN and CANNOT do. Most is to prevent people from LOANING the pressure washer and claiming they are defective. Like batteries and most all warrantied products, if we don't adhere to the rules past by the manufacture, the dealer ends up eating the cost because the manufacture/vendor declines the warranty.

Tell me why you sell these "horrible" items. If you acknowledge the fact that they're awful, common sense would dictate you wouldn't foist them onto your customers. Wait, let me guess, you're going to trot out the old "we're not responsible" mantra again. Which is exactly right...Canadian Tire is blatantly irresponsible.
spring came around last year 09 and i wanted to wax my car so i went to ct to buy some
car wax i bought IT took it home opened unscrewed the top and to my surprise the seal was
open so i did not think anything bad about it until i started using it on the paint i went to wipe
the wax off and to my awfull view my paint was damaged beyond my control!!... i then pissed
mad inradge drove back to ct with the wax got the manager out to look at my cars hood and
drivers side panel where it was damaged i then explained to him that this only happened after buying

bottle of wax from your store that i had no priore knowledge that had been already opened by someone else proire to me buying it manager said we didnt do that you did i said F!%/*k what!!...he said
no,no, the wax you bought was new no way that could happen blame it on the maker of the wax
i freaked...i could not beleive the B.S i was hearing made a police report and taking ct to court
for damages like the other guy says once they got your money Fuck you ct