In case you're not aware, MarketPlace is always on the witch hunt to find something wrong with some company somewhere. Check out their line up of shows. They go after cell phone companies, grocery stores, gyms/fitness facilities, Eco Friendly Products, home renovations etc.... the list is endless. Make no mistake, they aren't EVER looking to find something good or positive to say. In fact read their tag line. "Whether it is a slick scam, misleading marketing claim, a product that could put your health at risk, or maddening customer service, Marketplace weeds out wrongdoing against Canadians"
Now what you are not aware of is how this show is/was created. You saw a few minutes of footage edited to tell their story. what you're not seeing, is the hours and hours of footage that didn't support their story that ended up on the cutting room floor. Yes that's right, TV is edited.
If you truly , truly believe that all they found was bad customer service, had no help, weren't ever treated right, weren't able ever to return a product with ease at every store they shopped, well then you are the worst "consumer advocate" i've ever seen. Truly, you have no concept of what goes on in our stores, in Walmart, Zellers, Sears, The Bay, Lowes, Home Depot etc.... every day. You're a blind hater. I've said it before i'll say it again. Learn to form an objective opinion.