
Aman U Here is my horrible experience at Canadian Tire this Morning!!! I was in a bit of a hurry this morning and forgot to unplug the block-heater cord and ripped the plug. I went to Canadian tire and bought another plug. This morning was really cold here in Prince Albert, SK -40. Since I don't have a garage and it’s freezing which makes it impossible to work outside in the cold. I decide to see if I could use the shop (garage) at Canadian Tire and just replace the plug there myself I had my own tools with me. One of the mechanics was nice and said sure no problem it’s impossible to work outside in this weather. I pulled in to the bay and popped opened my hood and started to pry off the wire insulation meanwhile, the Manager Ray (got his name from his name tag) walks in and said you can’t do this here you have to leave. I told him I just bought the part here and it -40 can I just do it quickly and I will be on way. He tells me to make an appointment because I can’t do this here and it will cost me $40 and they can do it for me or leave. Very disappointed I left the store. I couldn’t believe someone could be so heartless knowing that it’s freezing outside and its going to stay that way for the next few days and if I don’t get that plug installed my car wont start the next day. This is the same store where about 8months ago I replaced my front lower control arms, which cost me $1200. I will never shop here again!! And will let everyone I know about the awful experience I just had! Bravo Ray!!
Aman U i am not too sure what they want me to email them, i just posted the whole story here
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Not the clearest Boycott Proclamation, but its there!


Dixie-Lee R.C.: ok for the PROMO CARD... went in for two particular items. One was there at a great price. the air tool set. The other .... only the brown 4 drawer wicker cabinet Reg $249. for $149... not the white one again. I have gone in there numerous times... not the white one. Asked the manager about it... said the flyer items were out of his control.... when I got home I couldn't find it in the flyer but the brown was reduced. I don't want to buy the brown and have to paint it white. Even though being a loyal CT customer... because this seems to be ongoing issue... becoming frustrated & I feel like cancelling my CT World Options MC & start giving my business to other stores & as CT MC. Very frustrated... my husband has gone in to check several times... over the last year... What a waste of time... Time is way to valuable... My goal for 2013 was remove the negatives and frustrations .... seems your CT store has added to this ....time for me to eliminate this situation as do not understand why the game.

Fereydoun D.: Invading my facebook site. This ensured that I will never step into a Canadin Tire store. There is no privacy. Shame on Canada Tire
What do you get someone for Christmas? A boycott of Crappy Tire!


Danielle R.H.: Irronic that Canadian Tire is advertising their Christmas Spirit when yesterday I went to return an unopened Spiderman toy car as my nephew already had one. Eventhough on the top of my receipt it said returns accepted with original receipt, which it was, and on the bottom said Christmas ornaments and Christmas items can be returned up until Dec 24th after which time the sale will be final. It was Dec 23and a toy car. I was told they would not accept it for a refund or store credit as a toy is deemed to be a Christmas item. In fact anything they feel that may be something that could be a gift for Christmas they will not accept now or in the future. I asked when they would accept it thinking that perhaps due to the holidays I might have to wait a week or two. The customer service woman said, never. I said it was a birthday gift and it wasn't even Christmas yet, thats stupid and not right. I asked what happens if people get duplicate gifts, they need to be able return it. She said they will bot accept it. So I said "so if someone else gives the same gift, I can't return it and its my problem?" She said yes. I said some stuff, never cursed or anything like that. She eventually said that ONLY if their was a gift receipt and not an original receipt would they consider giving a store credit. She still didn't want to refund my money for the toy and ended up getting the customer service manager who confirmed what she said and said its a storewide policy. The manager ended up granting her permission to refund my money when it was apparent I wasn't accepting their refusal. I will NEVER shop there again. I wonder how many people are buying christmas presents there that will be refused return, exchange, or store credit.

R.J. S.:Southdale store in Winnipeg is a joke.. Terrible service and they never have what you want in stock.. So upsetting, I will take my business elsewhere!
This person is so determined to boycott, they are willing to drive further in order avoid Crappy Time:


Alan K.: Just tried to return a Tom Tom GPS for the simple reason that it is not very Mac compatible which it doesn't state any where on the packaging. But by turning it on and hooking it up to my iMac computer and finding this out I have made it non returnable. You have just lost a very Loyal and Frequent customer which is a shame because you were one of the closets places to shop for me.

Kendall B.: Last time ever shopping at a Canadian.Don't believe their battery commercials 5 year warranty what a joke.you would think their would honor the warranty on battery they only sell but they won't. make sure you pay with a credit card because if you lose your bill in the 5 years your S.O.L

Grace S.: Canadian Tire should have a Buyer Beware section. I tried returning an Ice Machine today and was told that the canadian Tire Return Policy will NOT take anything back if the package has been opened. the machine was not hurt and was back in it's orginal packaging. I tried it and was not satisfied with the performance. Another man had a heater that he plugged in and wasn't happy with the air flow... again- no returns! It was used! How can one evaluate performance without trying it??? Good customers are made to feel criminal at the counter because of this unreasonable return policy. I am no longer, after many years, a Canadian Tire Customer... and my goal in life will be to warn others of this lack of customer respect wih regards to this Return policy.... Yes! Buyer Beware!!
You want to see some SERIOUS boycotting, check out some major debacles going on in the retail landscape these days

Target - major card and data security breach, but hey what's 40 million customers? Only took them a few days to tell anyone, during the busiest shopping time of the year. Oh wait, two weeks later they now say PIN numbers were also compromised, after telling everyone PIN's were secure.
Nice turn around Target, well crafted.

The Brick - my current favourite. You did WHAT to customers on Boxing day purchases? Oh that's right, you gave them a huge discount by mistake, confirmed the purchases on their credit cards, gave them receipts and now they want customers to give them more money now because of the little online screw up? And if they don't, they will cancel the transaction and not sell the items to the customers. I think I should post on their facebook page to contact you guys, the experts in SOGA, CPA etc..... they can find you in facebook right? David L and Irene C - yah that's right
You want to see a REAL tsunami of boycotts. Check out the brick on facebook and the related articles on cbc, global etc..... Their boycott list is hundreds in the last two days. LOL Took you three years to pull that off hahaha Now THAT'S what I call a screw up!!!
Interesting that no CT Defenders or Representatives have been on here to address the many glaring customer relations issues, terrible policies and poor service, that are driving so many ex-customers to turn their backs (sometimes reluctantly) on this horrible retailers.

Which brings up another recurring theme. Let's review what an internet Troll does in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), based on Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Posts inflammatory messages.
- Posts extraneous messages.
- Posts off-topic messages.
- Intends to provoke readers into an emotional response.
- Intends to disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

The solution? "Don't Feed The Troll" (by being drawn into their bogus arguments, flawed logic, deceptions and insults.)

However, their ridiculous comparisons, to randomly chosen retailers, might be almost appropriate to this thread: https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/g...s-canadian-tire-still-sucks-11.html#post11255
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It is like I have said all along. The small amount of posters on your blog has a lot to do with your one sided opinions. Many many dissatisfied customers at every retailer for any number of reasons, but they all continue on.
Really? That's all you've got left. Don't feed the troll. A term you are very familiar with given the ongoing Facebook antics of using fake profiles to attack people on ct fb page. Lol. Hypocrit

As far as the sooooo many upset customers boycotting. Well the numbers show otherwise. You can dispute that all you want but it just proves that you're too ignorant to listen to facts. You prefer your own made up version of what's really going on based only on customer posts on another website. You fail.

As far as my randomly chosen retailers to compare to....not random at all. Look at the pr disaster both of these companies created. We are sorry we compromised your bank information. Here's 10% off. TEN. Lol
By the way be sure to pay cash for that discounted item hahahha.
Speaking of ten..... Oddly the number that the brick chose also. Sorry customers we are not honoring a legally binding contract at 50% off. Buy this stuff at full price and we will give you TEN percent off your next purchase. TEN. Lol. Not even this purchase. The next one. Because people buy furniture that often. Lol.

If only they cared about their customers. If only.
OK, we've all learned that the Moaner/Owner just makes up a lot of crap on here, so these 'boycott' claims were almost certainly crapola.

But just out of curiosity, I did some checks for the "SERIOUS boycotting" and "a REAL tsunami of boycotts" that is allegedly going on, for the US Target stores, and the "The Brick".

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

No fomal boycott movement exists!

The only thing I found that was even close, was a proposed boycott of Target because they supposedly supported some congressman or other, and a couple of Facebook "Boycott" pages that had less than 20 Likes each!

And when I checked on the Facebook page of "The Brick", the so-called "boycott list"? It doesn't exist. The thread I saw only had 240 posts total, and only a few I looked even mentioned not shopping there.

And comparing this to Crappy Tire? This is about an online ordering mix-up, and Crappy Tire sells nothing but tires online, and little in the way of furniture.

For those of you keeping track, we still haven't heard anything from Moaner/Owner about their prior claims:

- Crappy Tire supposedly has a "new way" for consumers to get refunds.
- Information about every warranty on every automotive battery sold my every retailer in Canada.
- Some other bogus claims that I've lost track of by now.

The main point is stil this: these Owner/Moander and Sangria posts do indeed clearly meet the definition of "Troll" on here - although only the Defenders on Crappy Tire's Facebook page even come close to Trolling, over there.
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Some interesting comments being posted here, by the CT'ers.

A couple of things might even be worth discussion over on the "Other Retailer" thread, https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/g...ther-retailers-canadian-tire-still-sucks.html

But, too bad this is all just examples of ordinary Trolling:

- Posts inflammatory messages.
- Posts extraneous messages.
- Posts off-topic messages.
- Intends to provoke readers into an emotional response.
- Intends to disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Please don't "Feed" the Trolls by taking their bait!

(But the only Trolls on CT's Facebook page? Are the Defenders, LOL!)
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OK, let's get this thread back on track, i.e., "Join the Boycott - People Who Pledge to Never Go To Canadian Tire Again"


Christopher H.: Over priced and difficult to deal with when returning goods. Bought a drill that lasted just 3 hours and CT told me when i took it back," we do not take tools back as you have to deal with the manufacturer instead. Terrible service. I got my money back after 35 minutes of expressing my outrage. Never will go back.
Not quite a full boycott, yet:

Nicole C.: And yes...I agree with Grace, How do u know if something works or is broken, if u don't take it out of the package....I well not buy anything from CT if thats how it works....

Grace S.: Canadian Tire should have a Buyer Beware section. I tried returning an Ice Machine today and was told that the canadian Tire Return Policy will NOT take anything back if the package has been opened. the machine was not hurt and was back in it's orginal packaging. I tried it and was not satisfied with the performance. Another man had a heater that he plugged in and wasn't happy with the air flow... again- no returns! It was used! How can one evaluate performance without trying it??? Good customers are made to feel criminal at the counter because of this unreasonable return policy. I am no longer, after many years, a Canadian Tire Customer... and my goal in life will be to warn others of this lack of customer respect wih regards to this Return policy.... Yes! Buyer Beware!!

Poor Grace!

She was 'attacked' on the CT Facebook page, just for stating her opinions!

(Although that isn't actually "Trolling", though!)

Grace S,L Yes, I am no longer a Canadian tire customer... I can shop elsewhere and receive much more respectable customer service. I just needed to state my opinion .