The thing I really like about the boycotting of CT, is the spontaneity.

It's not like there was a single event that people are (temporarily) rallying around, with a media-driven backing.

It's not like there is an organized campaign with a pre-arranged plan for increasing the numbers and getting media attention.

No, these are just ordinary Canadians, generously sharing their own negative experiences, in the hope of benefiting their fellow consumers.

So very Canadian ... it almost brings a tear to my eye!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year, my fellow Canadian Consumers!
oh no you cant be right there.people who complain about canadian tire are either thieves,deluded or both.not honest ordinary citizens.whoever would think that....
happy new year to you too
I think over on The Brick's facebook, they might be up around 80 or 81 by now.

But for the ones we've been able to count (and that's just a fraction of allllll the CT boycotters!) we are up at ....


Christopher H.: Over priced and difficult to deal with when returning goods. Bought a drill that lasted just 3 hours and CT told me when i took it back," we do not take tools back as you have to deal with the manufacturer instead. Terrible service. I got my money back after 35 minutes of expressing my outrage. Never will go back.

Vina E.: Can tire customer service is rude and very unprofessional the one store that I really liked I will never shop in again. I just tried to return a brand new stings of lights that worked some of the time but would flicker and some would go out. The MANAGER has the nerve to say to me well they are working now nothing I can do. Really a 10.00 set of lights are not going to break me but poor customer service and a rude manager will guarantee my never returning to the store.
and i think that last one just underlines the many examples have we seen of indifferent/rude management that dont give a shit about their customers?mr owner can say what he likes but thats the bottom line.their very attitude is putting people off going to their crappy stores.....
We routinely see the standard copy-and-paste response on CT's Facebook page:

"We are very sorry to hear about this issue. Could you please take a moment and contact about it so that we can look into the situation? We will be in touch. Thank you."

But what really changes, after so many complaints and even full-out boycotts (just a fraction of which are captured here)?

Apparently, nothing at all.

No real follow-up on Facebook.
No big announcements on any sites, about improving any of the things consumers complain about.
No meaningful responses on this site or others like it, to complaints.

What to make of that?

The obvious conclusion: things are progressing exactly as CT wants.

Indeed, the planned and systematic cut-backs to in-store service, return policies, automotive competence and product quality, are all reaping the increased profits that were planned.

And any customer dissatisfaction? Simply collateral damage, on the way to hollowing-out their core customer base, in the name of short-term profits.

Excellent job, CTers!

And nice 'psych', creating the illusion that you actually care - some consumers are even falling for it, thinking that your crocodile tears mean anything at all.

"We'll look into it" means "Yup, we knew some people would squack, but we will change nothing".
the trouble with the semi automated response that CT gives all too often i.e. contact customer service that
a) people are getting wise to the fact that CT never actually bothers to get back to anyone and
b) if they really gave a shit about their customers they would be proactive to the complaints,not making the customer do all the running around wasting their time.
double whammy CT
i believe i said some months ago that the first rule of business is to KEEP YOUR CUSTOMERS HAPPY.obviously i was ignored then and they really dont seem to be able to(or want to) grasp this most basic concept of successful business.why?i havent a clue.its not for me to answer....
maybe they know something we dont i.e. daleks are going to be taking over the planet in the next 6 months,so we need all the cash we can get to build a spaceship to gtf outta here.or something.
Once reason you WON'T see for people boycotting Crappy Tire: that their "checkout" pricing was incorrect (well, except maybe for tires, LOL!).


Adam B.: Disappointed with Canadian tire , bought a Tree skirt before christmas , and it was damaged , due to the ice storm and being christmas i was unable to return it , paid full price 29.99 and now they tell me they don't take returns after christmas , on christmas items , so dissapointed , I supported Canadian tire for years , since they put a Walmart a block down , I will now be buying all my stuff at Walmart ! Cause they respect there customers more then Canadian tire
So many reasons to boycott CT.

Next up: Ice-storm Gift-card Back-fire.


John B.: Why would you give money to Hydro workers for doing there jobs. Many will make as much in overtime as you do in a whole year. Never shopping at CTC again

John B.: Give me a break and read my comments…why where they directing money to hydro workers making in excess of 80 dollars an hour doing there job. Candian Tire puplicity stunt. The Hydro workers and companies agree with me and asked for the money to be redirected to the proper agency -Red Cross
Jennifer Steeves-Simkins What a joke this page is.... only way to post a problem with your store is to post on a post...Great customer service...No replies when you email a complaint and no where to post online....Good job Canadian Tire.....lost another customer....
This was posted on the "Reflex" washer fluid today. But now? It's mysteriously vanished!


Susan B.G.: I hate to do this, but I think everyone should know how dangerous your Winnipeg, MB Regent Ave. service is. My elderly parents had the worst experience, not only with their service, but the mangers responses were unbelievable. To make a long story short, my parents blew a tire, took it in, bought two more tires and had them installed (so they thought) They didn't put the spare back, just tossed it in the trunk, no big deal. Asked them to come back the next day, they would do that (its stow and go, not an easy thing for a 74 year old to be doing on his own). Great. No issues there, things happen. My father drove away. Half way home (its a total of a 10 min. drive) he heard a noise. Again, to summarize what happened, they hadn't tightened the 3 bolts they put on and didn't replace the ones they took off! The wheels were falling off! My father tightened the bolts that were on and cranked them 10 times each! After talking to the store manger, he was told they did everything. No compensation was required. My dad didn't even really want any money back, just something to be done. My father told the store manager that if they were in an accident, they would have been sued, in which the manger replied "Your right" and that was that. NEVER EVER GO THERE FOR ANYTHING!!!!! Luckily no one was hurt. Way to go Canadian TIRE (you would at least think they could do tires as it is in their name after all)

David B.: Horrible customer service. Especially the one in Toronto north of Bloor on Yonge. But the customer service is terrible at ALL Canadian Tires. I like to support Canadian businesses, I really do, but I shop at Home Depot. Canadian Tire is the WORST.
Forgot to give this one a number, yesterday. Now up to ...


Jennifer S.S.: What a joke this page is.... only way to post a problem with your store is to post on a post...Great customer service...No replies when you email a complaint and no where to post online....Good job Canadian Tire.....lost another customer....

Valerie W.: Canada's worst store! "Canadian Tire" bought a small 2 foot decorator Christmas Tire on Boxing Day...opened the package and it was defective!
I phoned and the Store Policy is no returns on anything Seasonal after the 24th of December...Canadian Wide Policy the Girl Carol told me at the West Kelowna Store! Why would anyone shop at this Chain? Their customer relations policies are the poorest in Canada! Tell us about your experiences with this Store?

Valerie W.: Your right, my husband's company spends more than 10K there on tools every year at Canadian Tire, now he says he'll till purchasing to buy somewhere else...

Debby W.M.M.: I must say I am totally disappointed in Canadian Tire. This morning the price of ice salt was $3.49, later this afternoon it was $6.00......yes I know supply and demand but this is crazy....almost double the price right after a snow and ice storm. Many people in the area are seniors and on fixed incomes. Congratulations. You have lost another customer.
You may recall that on December 21st, Crappy Tire offered a "free gift" of a "Promo Card" if customers spent more than $200.

This offer was spammed to a lot of Canadians, many of whom have learned the hard way not to trust Crappy Tire. In fact, many took the opportunity to tell their fellow Canadians why they are now boycotting this chain.

Here are the Boycott Notices I managed to capture, before they were deleted by CT:


Sharon S:. Canadian Tire will be the last place I will shop again. What a fiasco today!!!!!!!!!

Hal B.: Terrible customer service - you can never find anyone to help you, but if you do you soon wish you hadn't. Shop elsewhere folks.

Karen R.: Worst customer experience ever, would never shop there again.

Marjorie P.: I worked for them, and I got layed of a month before Christmas for lack of work. Merry Christmas and all that, CanadianTire and our Labour Laws are all about covering up for the Employer. When did profit become the basis for our laws. The Retail labour laws suck. They did not lack work. Lies lies. Even their 50 dollar card give away means more profit for them You can't spend it that day. It brings you back to the store where you probably will spend more than $50. All they are giving you is what they pay for the product and they are still making a profit. Creative accounting. It makes me feel lied to in a dis-tasteful way. I will not shop there any more.

Tesie C.: I agree dont shop @ canadian tire!!! They broke my car last year... Never shop there!!!

Dale H.: Is there really anything anyone would want to buy at Canadian Tire? I shopped there a long time ago - and don't get me started on their car repairs!

Victoria B.: Had a horrible experience with these guys two days ago. Not interested in them at all.

Mary K.: Don't shop there! Return policy! They don't have one. Try to return they tell you we aren't here to take things back!! We only sell the junk!! Brand new store in Namao mall & the manager's too cheap to fix a broken automatic door that doesn't close properly !! Gonna go there to see if it closes on me & I intend to sue!!!

Karla M.: i vowed never to step foot in a trashy tire store again ever after trying to charge me over 600 for a job i got done and fixed properly for 80.00

Craig C.: i havent spent a cent at can tire in a year and never will again ..they refused to stand up to a replacement of a life time gurantied product .........and were rudeabout it

Ron L.: Never shop there garbage store if u only new were products came from no thanks

Greg G.: I just shake my head at how much money is spent sending me ads for places I just do not shop at. Well done, Canadian Tire and FB! Good algorithmming, guys!

Kreigh-Anne M.: Haha!!! I completely agree with Nick Di Paul!!! I never go to our Canadian tire the costumer service is a freakin joke!!! Grunting and rolling eyes at customers is shockingly rudest behaviour Iv ever seen from management!!!

Ming C.: NO thanks, I don't buy from this company

Heather M.T.: I had a terrible experience with them last week!Worst customer service I have ever had.They could be giving their stuff away for free and I still would not return!

Heather M.T.: I had a slip in my transmission,called to see if this was something they could fix.They said No problem,so I towed it in explained everything and crabbed home.Within 20 minutes they called said yes it was the transmission and I should tow it to a transmission place after I payed them 66 dollars.I was annoyed because other than reiterating what I told them they did nothing.I said fine whatever I will give you my credit card to pay and send another tow truck to pick it up.No they said store policy prohibits that..Note we are long term customers over 15 yrs documented servicing there.So I said it is going to cost me 40 dollars for a cab plus the 80 dollars to tow it there plus your 65 service charge..starting to get ridiculous .I was in turned directed to the service manager,the store manager,the general manager( who was supposed to call back and did not) and back to the service manager none of whom could approve a 65 dollar Visa payment.(2 hours wasted) Frustrating!I then called a tow company to pick the truck up whom I did not know at all who accepted my credit card with no question at all because they I think value their customers.

Heather M.T.: No I won't return..I have zero confidence in their ability to resolve issues.I have witnessed an employee of theirs being very disrespectful to an African Canadian over battery return which upset me aprox. a week earlier.When I discussed this incident with friends and family it appears to be not isolated.I just truly believe they think their consumers are low life's who should be mgrateful to shop there.

Heather M.T.: Also not one employee is allowed to think even somewhat robots they recite store policy..much simpler to shop online or elsewhere . I think they have become very complacent...

Norm H.: So I guess I got the response I was expecting. I have spent alot of money at Canadian Tire as of now I will do everything in my power to get all my friends and Family to stop shopping there completely. You`re not the only show in town and other places appreciate there customers.

Larry F.: I hate Canadian tire and I don't shop there

Kennedy F.: Castlegar, BC - At CT (here, at least) cell phone protectors are kept locked up. I I had found everything else on my list, then asked for the cell case. The employee got the case and was walking it to the cashier with me. I suddenly remembered another item I meant to get. She said that the case would be waiting at the front and I could ask any cashier for it. I found my extra item and proceeded to pay. My total came to $172 plus tax. I left, loaded everything into my car including a large piece of furniture, then remembered that I'd forgotten to pick up the cell case. I went back in, receipt in hand, to the cashier I'd dealt with and explained what happened and that my wife had let me know about this promotion. With the cost of the cell case added on, I was about $10 short to make the promotion. I said that I'd find something and be back. The cashier said that I'd have to go to customer service. I found an item worth $25 and proceeded to customer service with my receipt and my story. The only person staffing the customer service booth was wearing a name tag indicating she was the Cash Supervisor. There was one person ahead of me...not exactly a busy desk at the time. I was basically told that it was my fault (agreed) and that they were too busy to make accommodation for everyone who forgot something. I responded, honestly shocked, that it wasn't very good customer service. I asked if she really wanted me to go out and bring everything back in and return it so that it can be processed again through a cashier. She regurgitated the same line about it being busy and that they weren't responsible for people's mistakes. I asked her how much sense it made to waste my time bringing everything back so that it could be returned with her and then re-processed by a cashier. She finally gave in, still deflecting blame back at me and "warning" me that she would only do it this one time. Once she was doing it, the process took maybe 2 minutes to complete. During this whole exchange there wasn't another person in line for "service". In hindsight, I wish I'd returned my entire order and never set foot in the place again. No wonder CT is pretty much non-existent in urban centres where people have choices of where to shop. Canadian Tire deserves the reputation it has. Next time I'll make the drive to Walmart in Nelson.
And CT responder - please don't bother telling me to contact your customer service by email. This is my story, feel free to pass it on to them. They're welcome to message me on Facebook.

Mercedes N.P.: No, thanks..I'll shop somewhere else...
Last edited:

Neil R.: My New Years resolution is to NEVER step foot in a Canadian Tire again. With the quality of customer service, it will be easy to keep.
A broken boycott - but now fixed again!


April R.: I use to love Canadian Tire, but went there for the first time after about 10 years, and it's still just cheaply made Chinese junk, and there's too many stores like that these days. Plus the stores smell like tires: not healthy....