
Seriously the big box stores really need to hire more people to work the floors. God knows they can afford it. Just look for local mom and pop style stores from now on. All it takes is yellowpages online and thats it. Really i stopped going to home depot and crappy tire for over a year now since I get a headache knowing that i have to go there. Honestly who the hell wants to spend an hour just to get one thing. Even windshield washer fluid. I just buy it at supermarkets. Crappy tire is slow as hell, and no staff available at all. took me 20 minutes?!?!!! to find someone to open a stupid case just for a tool!,,ever since then,,yep..no more crappy tire for me.
talk about a tool, it takes you to buy 20 minutes to buy washer fluid, I think you should stick with mom and pop stores you obviously can't handle a big box store, I have never been able to get through a grocery store line-up faster than Canadian Tire - They Rock 3 customers in a line and they call another cashier.... Do me a favour stay out of my store!
talk about a tool, it takes you to buy 20 minutes to buy washer fluid, I think you should stick with mom and pop stores you obviously can't handle a big box store, I have never been able to get through a grocery store line-up faster than Canadian Tire - They Rock 3 customers in a line and they call another cashier.... Do me a favour stay out of my store!

maybe your store is one of them, but not so sucks as them. what a pity that you have to use the name of Canadian Tire
I'm amused by the line "God knows they can afford it". Clearly you are completely unaware of the business model / cost structure of one of these stores. And if Canadian Tire offered its customers 'mom and pop' prices, you are right, they could afford to have more bodies on the floor, but then they wouldn't need them because the retail market is so price-sensitive, as soon as the store raised its prices customers would shop elsewhere.

Also, why does it take you so long to buy washer fluid? Do you need a lot of help with your washer fluid purchases?

You're an idiot.
I'm amused by the line "God knows they can afford it". Clearly you are completely unaware of the business model / cost structure of one of these stores. And if Canadian Tire offered its customers 'mom and pop' prices, you are right, they could afford to have more bodies on the floor, but then they wouldn't need them because the retail market is so price-sensitive, as soon as the store raised its prices customers would shop elsewhere.

Also, why does it take you so long to buy washer fluid? Do you need a lot of help with your washer fluid purchases?

You're an idiot.

hi, welcome to give your explanation here. but if you wanna attack somebody here, you'd better stand out, don't do something behind!
- They Rock 3 customers in a line and they call another cashier....

What planet is this on, anyway?

The local one here had some sort of midnight madness crap, and the store was jam packed to capacity, and two out of the five registers were still closed...

And as for grocery stores, if you only have a w/w jug, you can use the express line and go by quick. At a CT, even if you only have two customers ahead of you, you still stand a pretty good chance of being behind grandma and her $1492.05 worth of CT money...

You want to see how an efficient checkout is run? Go to your local Costco (while you're there, ask the employees how high their wages are-it'll help explain to you why even if the floor staff are few and far between, they know their $hit.)

CT Sucks. The only time it's worth anything, is if you can have the luck of finding the item that's marked down 75% (fat chance of that, but I digress), it's usually a good buy. Anything that's full priced, is overpriced. Again, Princess Auto trumps them. They have cheap stuff, but at least the price is cheap, and THEY GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO BE HELPFUL!!!!

Hey CT, YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also-what is this crap about being "unregistered"? Don't have the balls to register? How about a store location?

.lol... next time your in your local ctc (even for just this reason) Look up, count the lights.... theyre probably free. Im pretty sure all expenses associated with doing business are covered by the "CT MoneyTree". Its cool... this way, they make a lot of money, and sit back and do nothing.... one of the bonuses of you shopping at ctc, is that in your 20 minute escapade to find washer fluid, youll buy things like air fresheners, and a wiper blade. Man they saw you comming.... I suggest next time you go shopping, and immediately ask for the store manager. He should be more than willing to hold your hand while you decide if you want green-flavour, or blue-flavour washing fluid (its not a flavour dont drink it meatstick!!) anywho... happy shopping....
Also-what is this crap about being "unregistered"? Don't have the balls to register? How about a store location?


What do you mean by "Don't have the balls to register?". Are registered users somehow less anonymous than unregistered users?
What I mean is don't come singing the praises of CT and not even bother registering. Is he a store owner? A company employee? A lawyer? A satisfied customer (i doubt the last one, or he wouldn't be here, right)?

I'll be upfront: I'm an unsatisfied customer in New Brunswick, where AFAIK, every CT store sucks in the customer service department...

I have made the descion to not shop there, unless I get a feeling something has improved, which I strongly doubt, as they have very little competition to make them reconsider their business model...

I'm sorry, I still don't see your point. I am registered, but you don't know my occupation. In registering, the only info that is shown is your user I.D., and whatever other personal info you want to divulge.

What type of bad customer service issues have you encountered?

Also, what does AFAIK stand for? I'm obviously too old for the language of the text message.
It stands for As Far As I know.

My issues can be found in the "reasons CT sucks thread". They are all based on a true story. (except for the CT guy-he sucks, but it's not a deal breaker). I can provide personal examples (more than one, in most of the cases) to support all the other ones.

I've written it in other posts and I'll write it here again. If you don't like the store, its offering of products and services or its pricing it's really simple. Don't shop there!
If you really do need the store manager to help you choose between green and blue w/w fluid (LOL), you might just be a customer they can do without! Don't forget thet they are in business to make money; it's the only reason. So if you require so much of their staff's time that they can't help other customers (and therefore lose them and their money), I'm pretty sure, if given the choice, they'd drop you.
An item big enough to need a shopping cart shouldn't be locked behind a glass cabinet, requiring the customer hunt down a CSR to open said cabinet. Especially if the CSRs are hard to find...

It's likely that they struggle with the balance between inconveniencing their honest customers and discouraging their dishonest customers. Shoplifting, I've heard (but have no personal experience with it) is quite an issue in retail because it is so expensive to have people take advantage of the "100% discount". I doubt they put things in the locked cabinets until they have had an issue with it going missing.

I bet we'd be amazed by the stuff people can manage to rip off.
I've never had any more issues with Canadian Tire than at any other retail store.

This seems like a pointless and silly site to me. Anybody need to get a life?