ACLO wrote that some consumers purchase items with no intention of keeping, but merely as a type of short-term rental, and that this “is a reflection of consumer behaviour and the steps stores have to take to protect themselves from the few customers who attempt to manipulate stores.”

Certainly this is poor behaviour on the part of those consumers. But the poor behaviour of some customers is not an excuse for a retailer to ignore the law that are in place.

Especially, this should not be used as an excuse to refuse legitimate returns of products that are defective, or have been misrepresented.

The law is discussed here:
ACLO wrote, “Just because a product fails, does not mean it does not meet the standards of "implied durability".

A product that fails prematurely, by definition, has not met the standard of “implied durability”. This is covered by the Sale of Goods Act. The customer is entitled to a refund.

The law is discussed here:

However, if a product functions for the entirety of its expected lifetime, then it has met the standard for implied durability, even if it fails after that time.
ACLO wrote, “If a coffee maker has a defective power button does that mean it's not fit for use and the retailer has not done their due diligence? No. Bring it back, get a replacement with a good button, end of story.”

A coffee maker that “has a defective power button” is, well, defective. The customer is legally entitled to a refund. Or, if they prefer, a replacement/exchange.

ACLO claims that it's "fit for use", even though it can't even be turned on - how they heck can it make coffee???

Oh, I suppose it might be stuck "on", so the only way to shut the thing off is by unplugging it. Are we to assume the teenager at Returns is going to use that as an excuse? "Well, if makes coffee, doesn't it?" Sorry, that's just not good enough. If the device was built with an "off" switch, then the switch should work, despite the fact that there's an inconvenient work-around.

And what's this "due diligence" crap? What is it that the retailers was supposed to have done? Nobody says they have to inspect every item they sell. But they have to stand behind it, by providing a refund if it turns out to be defective (or an exchange, if the customer is OK with that).

The law is discussed here:

There is nothing in the law about a retailer’s “due diligence” – only about the retailers obligation to provide a refund for the defective or misrepresented products they sold.
ACLO wrote, “If we're talking JobMate. They are light duty home use tools, and they do exactly that. No contractor would ever expect to go frame a house with a JobMate drill. If you can define "normal use" have at er. Is that 100 holes drilled in an hour? 6 in a day? 1000 in a weekend?”

If the tool is represented as able to drill x holes in y hours, and it fails to so, then the tool has been misrepresented, and the customer is entitled to a refund under the law (

In practice, products are more often rated as “light duty”, “medium duty” and “heavy duty”. If the tool fails to live up to a reasonable interpretation of those terms, then the customer is entitled to a refund (

There generally aren't specific limits for what counts as "light" or "heavy" or even "reasonable". If it goes before a judge, it will probably be decided then, on the basis of expert testiomony. Obviously an expensive process usually used for expensive items like homes or automobiles, and not power-tools.

If a crappy tool will only drill one or two holes before failing, it's hard to imagine that being considered "light duty", yet Crappy Tire has policies they will attempt to use to deny legitimate refunds for such products.

It’s better to just shop at any of the other big retailers, who actually stand behind what they sell.
I think we're almost caught up on all the crap ACLO has been posting here - this should be about it:

ACLO wrote, “At the end of the day, none of you even know what the defect rate of these items is, so you're talking through your hat again.”

Despite what ACOL might say, brand loyalty is a valuable commodity in the marketplace, and manufacturers are keens to retain it, once earned. (Shouldn't an alleged 'retailer' already know that?)

ACLO and other owners would like us to think we aren't capable of deciding for ourselves which brands are worth investing in, and which are just throw-aways - just because we don't have access to hard data on defect rates? Please!

What do they think we should do? Rely only on the recommendations of retailers, especially the one (Crappy Tire) who doesn't stand behind what they sell?

More than ever before, consumers have easy access to thrid-party on-line reviewers, such as Consumers Reports - possibly instant access via a 'smart' phone.

Besides our own personal experiences, consumers are increasingly able to form and share their opinions on various brands and retailers, like these guys: Table saw vs Miter saw: which to buy? - Forums

We are no longer in the dark - Welcome to Social Media, Crappy People!
I realize this is suppose to be a Canadian Tire sucks But.... I blew up a Mikita, I have blown up many Black and D Drills. I have tortured the Job Mate Drill. It still lives, It works in horse barns full of hard wood. To make everone happy I just killed the the head of the jobmate dremmel.
JobMate is hit or miss...most of the time it's miss but you get what you pay for. At my store I've always taken back Jobmate stuff with out a receipt as long as the customer is upgrading to something better! 8 times out of 10 most people know they are buying something that has horrible quality! 2 out of 10 bought it cause they can't afford the master craft drill that was $20 more than the Jobmate one. The bottom line is you get what you pay for..some take a chance and I reward they're bravery with a sale price on an upgraded drill..if they don't have a receipt and they are just trying to tell me the broken drill they found in the garbage is what they originally bought, I reward they're LACK of honesty with directions to door and directions to the closet Walmart!
My brother took his car in to get the brakes bled, basic 10-minute procedure right? wrong.

They had him wait 4 hours, and in the end, they snipped his lines! and charged him $400!

As a former employee, I can sit here and point out big problems with CT all day....but as a human being, I can also sit here and point out flaws in you people all in point.....if it's a basic 10 minute procedure, why didn't your brother do it himself? Why did they make him wait 4 hours? Was his the only vehicle in the shop that day? Did he have an appointment or did he just walk in off the street? ...if they made him wait, I'm assuming there was a reason....did he ask how long it was going to be? Appointments get brought in first....and no, they are not always on time.....if you bring a vehicle in for a brake inspection, everything is fine...out it goes and in comes the next appointment...oth, you bring a vehicle in for a brake inspection, it needs front and rear brakes...well, there goes an hour or two out of your schedule.....things get backed*t happens....when was the last time you were sitting in your doctor's office at 2:00 o'clock for your 2:00 o'clock appointment?

They snipped his lines? Who was working on the brakes before he went to CT? Your brother? Did he cut/break/improperly install the lines? Obviously someone was working on them....most people don't wake up in the morning and decide to get their brakes bled. Last time I remember seeing anyone bleed brakes, it was only a matter of loosening and tightening bleeder screws....had nothing to do with cutting lines. I would have to say, if the lines were cut by the tech (which you would have to be able to prove) then that would be the tech's fault...not Canadian Tire....don't paint everybody with the same brush....I've worked with techs who go out of their way to get things fixed for people....properly and safely....they take pride in their work and do it well.....if you're gonna throw someone under the bus...get the tech's name and call him out on it....if you can prove it.....not everybody is a crook.
Isn't it nice, to hear from people claiming to be former employees, with insider information, but who then fail to dish any dirt at All?

Who instead dig up 4-year old, 2-line posts, and devote several pages trying to defend crappy tire?

At least they were only on here that one time, unlike the other Crappy Defenders who attacked customers on here, literally for years.
Isn't it nice, to hear from people claiming to be former employees, with insider information, but who then fail to dish any dirt at All?

Who instead dig up 4-year old, 2-line posts, and devote several pages trying to defend crappy tire?

At least they were only on here that one time, unlike the other Crappy Defenders who attacked customers on here, literally for years.

lol...a sense of humor...I like that....

First of all...I'm not "claiming" to be a former employee, I am one.... Second, it's not "insider"'s common, public knowledge....third...I didn't "dig up" the showed up in a Google search....

I'm not here defending crappy tire....why the hell would I? I owe them nothing......what I am doing is merely pointing out that there are two sides to every story.....I've been working with the public for over 35 years now and all I ever hear about is how bad the poor customer gets treated. Have you ever worked in retail or service? It is one of the most thankless industries in existence. Listening to people whine and moan and scream and cry over the stupidest things. I've stood in the parking lot at CT in -20 temps to install wiper blades because most people are either too stupid or too lazy to do it on their own....and what do I get? Frozen fingers and a handful of plastic that the wipers came in.....they could at least buy me a coffee or maybe even mutter a thank you once in awhile....but no...the average person thinks it's my job to do stuff for them for free...I don't mind helping people at all...but installing wipers is not my job....and that's just one example.

So no...I'm not defending crappy tire...I don't really give a rats *ss about them....but I will speak up for the front line employees who put up with all the crap....after all, like you, we are just trying to make a living....and we have rules to follow and head office bull to deal with.....and believe it or not....I'm on your side most days.....except for the days when you start tearing me a new a**hole because your car is a POS and I can't fix it for free....

And yes, I realize this is a site devoted to CT bashing....and that's great....but I guess, like most "customers", there is only your side and everything else is irrelevant, including common sense.
lol...a sense of humor...I like that....
... retail or service ... is one of the most thankless industries in existence.

Listening to people whine and moan and scream and cry over the stupidest things.

the average person thinks it's my job to do stuff for them for free

front line employees who put up with all the crap

when you start tearing me a new a**hole because your car is a POS and I can't fix it for free....

like most "customers", there is only your side and everything else is irrelevant, including common sense.

It all just comes down to, "Blah, blah, blah, customers suck, I hate customers".

Sounds like a current Crappy Employee to me.

Although, sure, maybe it's a former Crappy Employee, who's moved on to hating customers at other businesses.

So sad!
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Tania F.:

Good job Canadian tire in sylvan lake Alberta. Last night I went there to get a few things I needed. One of the things I happened to need was in a package that had already been previously opened. (It was the last one in stock). When I brought it to the counter and explained that there were parts missing, the manager on duty rudely exclaimed that people often ask them to open things so they can see it and then choose not to purchase it. (This item in particular was in a CLEAR PLASTIC packaging) she then proceeded to open the previously opened and clearly used item and put things back in place to try to prove that parts weren't missing. I was then charged full price for the item and told that if I returned it, it wouldn't get my money back, i would just get an exchange. When I finally got home and had a chance to read through the parts, I realized, like I had said, it was in fact missing pieces. So I went back to Canadian tired to try to find the pieces that i would need. When I reached the register to pay, I explained to the cashier that I was in fact right and parts were missing from the item they sold me for FULL price. To which she replied "well that sucks, at least you have all the parts now since you bought things separately". The cashier and on duty manager were so unbelievably rude and I'm very angry that I was ripped off by a store that I go to rather often. Because of this, I will and won't mind spending the extra gas money to go somewhere else where they are actually friendly, professional and don't rip people off. Not to mention, somewhere where their employees actually do their jobs and help customers.
It all just comes down to, "Blah, blah, blah, customers suck, I hate customers".

Sounds like a current Crappy Employee to me.

Although, sure, maybe it's a former Crappy Employee, who's moved on to hating customers at other businesses.

So sad!

It wouldn't matter if I was current or're only going to see these stories from your side of the fence I'm not going to bother arguing.....and just for the record....hate is a pretty strong word....I don't "hate" anybody....customers pay my wages....and I will treat you the same as anyone else who comes in to my place of business.....but do you really expect me to bend over backwards for you if all you are gonna do is whine and cry because something didn't work out in your favour? If everybody was even half as perfect as you think you are, the world would be one awesome place, wouldn't it?
CT employee:

I just LOVE it when Crappy People finally drop the mask, and frankly reveal (despite lame protests to the contrary) how deeply they despise the very people who pay their salaries.

... do you really expect me to bend over backwards for you if all you are gonna do is whine and cry because something didn't work out in your favour? If everybody was even half as perfect as you think you are, the world would be one awesome place, wouldn't it?

So glad this site is here, to balance out the hate-driven and greed-driven abuses that innocent customers endure daily from Crappy People. Ironically, theses (ex?) employees are being paid to help people!
Re: Jobmate and canadian tire.

Jobmates quality may not be the best, but Canadian tire will give you no support with any replacement parts. Trying to find carbon brushes for my mitre saw, what a pain in the arse. I will never buy anything from canadian tire again.

Hi Darryll
I too use Jobmate and recondition my own tools.You have to measure the brushes and buy the nearest size and if bigger just file them down.Regards batteries,only for Nicd, there are sites telling you how to zap a battery and revive it again.Personally my drill machine I bought a pack of 14.4 battery which did not fit my drill machine.What I did was open the case and put the battery pack in my old drill battery case. There are ways to beat the CT monopoly.Enjoy
JOBMATE and CTC both suck.. I have a Jobmate combo drill wet/dry vac, just over a year old and comes with 2 batterries. BOTH batteries are dead and I cannot get replacments. I called job mate and you guessed it, if it's over a year they will do NOTHING, if still under a year they said they would replace the unit. I asked if I could purchase replacement batteries and they said NO, they don't have any and don't STOCK any. It was suggested that I go to a battery manufacture and try to purchase a similar battery. CTC were NO help whatsoever. Yet again the complete unit drill, vac and 2 batteries originally cost me about $70.00 and a replacement battery is about $50.00. So essentially JOBMATE and CTC are contributing to our vast waste by building and selling disposable product because it is cheaper to buy a new replacement and now all these OLD units end up in a dumpsite. WHAT A FRICKIN WASTE. In this day and age of environmental concerns you might think both CTC and JOBMATE would be more environmentally concious.....

I too use Jobmate and recondition my own tools.Regards batteries,only for Nicd, there are sites telling you how to zap a battery and revive it again.Personally my drill machine I bought a pack of Jobmate 14.4 battery which did not fit my drill machine.What I did was open the case and put the battery pack in my old drill battery case. There are ways to still enjoy Jobmate .