
New member
I work at a CT part-time and while you may joke all you want about the employees and the store (I've heard it all), it just so happens that most customers, probably the ones who post on this site, and either incredibly dumb, lazy or just plain retarded.

Everyday I bombared with moronic customers. So here are my questions.

If there are clearly marked demos, why the blazes must you open the boxes anyways just to see what it looks like?

I don't know about you, but when I shop in a store, whether it be Wal-Mart or anything else, I find everything on my own in little time. Yet at CT, almost every customer must ask me where the tools are...or even worse, where row 51 is. Apparently CTC customers can't really count or shop for themselves...employees are there to help you not to hold you by the hand and make sure you can find the hammer underneath the gigantic hammer hanging from the ceiling...

Customers are hypocrites. They expect us to take back their open and torn box for their drill, yet when they get to the row, if a product is open, "That's ridiculous. I can't buy that". If you're telling me in the front that I should take it back, don't tell me on the floor that you won't buy an open box.

Quit complaining about the service. Every weekend I hear "Why don't you hire more employees?"...Hmm, there's about five hundred customers in the store. Even if we had four hundred employees, there'd be a hundred unsatisfied customers. Just be patient. If your too busy to wait 3 minutes for my help, you really shouldn't be shopping.
I work at a CT part-time and while you may joke all you want about the employees and the store (I've heard it all), it just so happens that most customers, probably the ones who post on this site, and either incredibly dumb, lazy or just plain retarded.

Everyday I bombared with moronic customers. So here are my questions.

If there are clearly marked demos, why the blazes must you open the boxes anyways just to see what it looks like?

I don't know about you, but when I shop in a store, whether it be Wal-Mart or anything else, I find everything on my own in little time. Yet at CT, almost every customer must ask me where the tools are...or even worse, where row 51 is. Apparently CTC customers can't really count or shop for themselves...employees are there to help you not to hold you by the hand and make sure you can find the hammer underneath the gigantic hammer hanging from the ceiling...

Customers are hypocrites. They expect us to take back their open and torn box for their drill, yet when they get to the row, if a product is open, "That's ridiculous. I can't buy that". If you're telling me in the front that I should take it back, don't tell me on the floor that you won't buy an open box.

Quit complaining about the service. Every weekend I hear "Why don't you hire more employees?"...Hmm, there's about five hundred customers in the store. Even if we had four hundred employees, there'd be a hundred unsatisfied customers. Just be patient. If your too busy to wait 3 minutes for my help, you really shouldn't be shopping.

I hear ya man. But youll find on a site like this people are ignorant and one sided. The responses are going to range from " well thats a typical ct employee " to " employees dont treat me like that at wall mart". I have both worked and shopped at different retailers and it really isn't different anywhere. People think CT sucks sooo much becasue they have had a bad experiance there. A good portion of the time the bad experiance was atleast partailly there fault (mainly cause they ignorant consumers). I have many people come in and rave about how good we compared to Costco and Rona, are we better? the answer is no those customers had a bad experiance and witch hunt those stores. When it boils down to it a vast majority of consumers are arrogant and ignorant and just plain stupid.
"When it boils down to it a vast majority of consumers are arrogant and ignorant and just plain stupid."

They are also the reason you draw a paycheck. Don't ever lose sight of that...
"When it boils down to it a vast majority of consumers are arrogant and ignorant and just plain stupid."

They are also the reason you draw a paycheck. Don't ever lose sight of that...

That could be said in some form for any job. Besides the bitchy customers usually arne't the ones spending all the money. The good quiet customers that dont bitch about everything are the ones paying me
I have to agree. Our of all the places I have shopped, I have never been able to understand why it seems that CT customers seems do the things they do that I will mention in the following:

* Open FULL 17foot SIZE TENTS in the store blocking the middle of the store
* Open SEALED $699 lagostina Pot sets just to make sure they have everything in it, then take another SEALED box to purchase..
* Think it's ok to bring back defective items, wait in customer service to make the exchange with another product only to discover they PUT BACK the defective item on the shelf ??
* Why every customer (And I have to admit, 99% of them) who ask if you work there when you are either a staff member or manager putting away stock, flushing aisles, facing, putting up signs, using the telxon gun).
* Customers that feel they deserve a discount of merchandise that is the LAST ONE or where the PLASTIC (packaging) around a hockey glove set is DIRTY from being dropped on the floor..
* Customers that feel they have the right to come into the store and PLAY HOCKEY UP AND DOWN AISLES
The store is NOT a playground. It would be good to think about those around you.
* Customers who open up vacuum cleaner boxes, spread all the pieces all over the floor blocking aisles, (I should say RIP the boxes open), then plug in the vacuum cleaner (even wet vacs) and proceed to VACUUM THE FLOOR making the product UNSELLABLE because it now is :

#1: not able to get back into the box without removing all the cardboard inserts that are put in a special way for all to fit in correctly.
#2: FULL of dirt

* Customers who think it's in their right to open up full 100' long Christmas lights and lay them all over the floor.
* Those who tear open GARBAGE BAGS to steal bags
* Those who open up light bulb boxes and sneak in their OLD bulbs
* Those who steal everything out of the boxes, close them up and put back on the shelf.
* Customers who just open everything they see and never even BOTHER to put it back..

I'm sorry but I am sure employee's would be happy to help if they were not busy putting back products that have been RIPPED apart.. Going down aisles to put back CHAIRS, SLEEPING BAGS, TENTS, TOASTERS, Vacuum's, CHAINS, all over the floor because they felt it's perfectly ok to do so..

* Those who think it's OK to spray all over the floor, and on products when the LID has the exactly color as in the can.

* Why customers seem to not realize that MOST of what is asked is right on the packaging.

Customer: Does this toy come with batteries and if not, which batteries?
Employee : Most likely.. we are going to look at the packaging and see "Requires 1 9V, and 4AA batteries" "Not included".

Now I'm not trying to put customers down, all I'm trying to state is that if customers would take the 5 seconds to READ (exactly what most of us do when customers ask a question), we would likely be available for more customers with ACTUAL questions (i.e.. What would you recommend if I was to paint my outside fence?) rather than those questions which the answers are right in front of you.

I personally cannot recall when I would even think to open a 17foot tent in the middle of the store and "camp out" inside it or open up vacuums and proceed to vacuum the aisles, or rip open nearly $1000 merchandise to see if all the pieces are there. Nor have I thought about taking cans of paint and spraying down shelves without thinking it is WRONG.

I've shopped at all sortment of stores and cannot recall any store having this type of problem. Why do it to it our store and then feel upset when staff people get tired of this and are not as enthusiastic in helping you anymore when they have to deal with this each and everyday!

If customers were not so dependent on others (asking questions that are clearly marked in Huge letters on the front of the package), opening box's, stealing products, breaking products, carelessly kicking things over (I can't believe how many people CANNOT see in front of them and even observe people knocking over shelves because they cannot see their own arm), bringing back used products and attempting to have us return it to the shelves.. and much more than calls for COMMON SENSE, then I am sure employee's would be most eager to help.
* Why customers seem to not realize that MOST of what is asked is right on the packaging.

Customer: Does this toy come with batteries and if not, which batteries?
Employee : Most likely.. we are going to look at the packaging and see "Requires 1 9V, and 4AA batteries" "Not included".

Now I'm not trying to put customers down, all I'm trying to state is that if customers would take the 5 seconds to READ (exactly what most of us do when customers ask a question), we would likely be available for more customers with ACTUAL questions (i.e.. What would you recommend if I was to paint my outside fence?) rather than those questions which the answers are right in front of you.

I've worked at CT for less than 2 months, and I can identify with a lot that was said. What sticks out the most to me however, is the fact that the vast majority of our time is spent reading a fucking box out loud to a customer. 1. The customer is too lazy to turn it around and 2. read it for themselves. If I wanted to be paid shit to read to people I would have volunteered at a seniors centre.
"Now I'm not trying to put customers down..":

* Open FULL 17foot SIZE TENTS in the store blocking the middle of the store
* Open SEALED $699 lagostina Pot sets just to make sure they have everything in it, then take another SEALED box to purchase..
* Think it's ok to bring back defective items, wait in customer service to make the exchange with another product only to discover they PUT BACK the defective item on the shelf ??
* Why every customer (And I have to admit, 99% of them) who ask if you work there when you are either a staff member or manager putting away stock, flushing aisles, facing, putting up signs, using the telxon gun).
* Customers that feel they deserve a discount of merchandise that is the LAST ONE or where the PLASTIC (packaging) around a hockey glove set is DIRTY from being dropped on the floor..
* Customers that feel they have the right to come into the store and PLAY HOCKEY UP AND DOWN AISLES
The store is NOT a playground. It would be good to think about those around you.
* Customers who open up vacuum cleaner boxes, spread all the pieces all over the floor blocking aisles, (I should say RIP the boxes open), then plug in the vacuum cleaner (even wet vacs) and proceed to VACUUM THE FLOOR making the product UNSELLABLE because it now is :

#1: not able to get back into the box without removing all the cardboard inserts that are put in a special way for all to fit in correctly.
#2: FULL of dirt

* Customers who think it's in their right to open up full 100' long Christmas lights and lay them all over the floor.
* Those who tear open GARBAGE BAGS to steal bags
* Those who open up light bulb boxes and sneak in their OLD bulbs
* Those who steal everything out of the boxes, close them up and put back on the shelf.
* Customers who just open everything they see and never even BOTHER to put it back..
* Why customers seem to not realize ...

If customers were not so dependent on others (asking questions that are clearly marked in Huge letters on the front of the package), opening box's, stealing products, breaking products, carelessly kicking things over (I can't believe how many people CANNOT see in front of them and even observe people knocking over shelves because they cannot see their own arm), bringing back used products and attempting to have us return it to the shelves.. and much more than calls for COMMON SENSE, then I am sure employee's would be most eager to help.

CT Manager, you show so much disdain for helping people ergo your customers, then why don't you work somewhere else? Obvious isn't it?

You've aired out a whole laundry list on this and other posts as to why "customers are so stupid". You didn't say it but most of your customers can read between the lines.

Lets address some of it.

* x-mas lights. In the past I have pulled out and plugged it in to make sure there were no bad bulbs. You do remember what happens when you have a bad bulb right with those older x-mas lights, don't you ? An employee would chastise me and others for doing so only to find out that we bought a few boxes. Now we don't have those issues with the LED x-mas lights.

* Tents and other products. Summer season and some stores still don't think it's necessary to have tent displays. Some manufacturers even pay extra for that. Why would anyone not want to see look and touch the assembled product? As for vacuums, this may blow your mind but it's called a demonstration model.

* playing hockey. Kids will do that and bounce balls around. I have seen CT staff do the same and other horse play every time I'm in the store.

* "if you work there". Wow, you must be really up in knots over this one. We all know that employees are assigned to different areas of the store. How many times have we been told " I don't work in that department" and then have them walk away.

* opened sealed products. I've done that too. To make sure all the parts are there, that it works and to avoid a second trip.

* customers stealing, breaking, knocking things over. You're lumping in thieves with customers. Most good stores and good store managers distinguish the two. As for breaking and knocking things over: some of your products are stacked too closely together for a cart to get through. Now imagine what it's like for a pregnant customer trying to weave through all that during x-mas season. Being a store manager I shouldn't have to point that out to you.

* Customers are too lazy to read. Did it ever occur to you that it's the first time they've had to purchase such a product and would have questions like that. Or that they simply can't see as well as they used to.

* Customer who feel they deserve a discount. It's called negotiating. Smart shoppers do that.

Airing out that list and having me point out the obvious only shows that Canadian Tire is becoming a bad store. Terrible customer service and management who seems too eager to ridicule the customers and not honor returns without a hassle.
CT Manager, you show so much disdain for helping people ergo your customers, then why don't you work somewhere else? Obvious isn't it?

You've aired out a whole laundry list on this and other posts as to why "customers are so stupid". You didn't say it but most of your customers can read between the lines.

Lets address some of it.

* x-mas lights. In the past I have pulled out and plugged it in to make sure there were no bad bulbs. You do remember what happens when you have a bad bulb right with those older x-mas lights, don't you ? An employee would chastise me and others for doing so only to find out that we bought a few boxes. Now we don't have those issues with the LED x-mas lights.

* Tents and other products. Summer season and some stores still don't think it's necessary to have tent displays. Some manufacturers even pay extra for that. Why would anyone not want to see look and touch the assembled product? As for vacuums, this may blow your mind but it's called a demonstration model.

* playing hockey. Kids will do that and bounce balls around. I have seen CT staff do the same and other horse play every time I'm in the store.

* "if you work there". Wow, you must be really up in knots over this one. We all know that employees are assigned to different areas of the store. How many times have we been told " I don't work in that department" and then have them walk away.

* opened sealed products. I've done that too. To make sure all the parts are there, that it works and to avoid a second trip.

* customers stealing, breaking, knocking things over. You're lumping in thieves with customers. Most good stores and good store managers distinguish the two. As for breaking and knocking things over: some of your products are stacked too closely together for a cart to get through. Now imagine what it's like for a pregnant customer trying to weave through all that during x-mas season. Being a store manager I shouldn't have to point that out to you.

* Customers are too lazy to read. Did it ever occur to you that it's the first time they've had to purchase such a product and would have questions like that. Or that they simply can't see as well as they used to.

* Customer who feel they deserve a discount. It's called negotiating. Smart shoppers do that.

Airing out that list and having me point out the obvious only shows that Canadian Tire is becoming a bad store. Terrible customer service and management who seems too eager to ridicule the customers and not honor returns without a hassle.

Pardon me mister dishonest, vandalizing, whiney, thief. Please continue to boycott our stores because no retailer wants a customer like you!!
Pardon me mister dishonest, vandalizing, whiney, thief. Please continue to boycott our stores because no retailer wants a customer like you!!

the list sounds like fun to me. I'll try all those things out lets see if the lightbulbs are made well enough to survive a fall from the shelves. I bet I'll hear broken pieces. Qualities slipping.
CT Manager, you show so much disdain for helping people ergo your customers, then why don't you work somewhere else? Obvious isn't it?

You've aired out a whole laundry list on this and other posts as to why "customers are so stupid". You didn't say it but most of your customers can read between the lines.

Lets address some of it...

Thank you. That sums it up so nicely. So many of these Canadian store managers have chips on their shoulders that they exude nothing put attitude and makes for a very crappy experience. I've gone in a few times where asking them a simple question would cause them to stiffen up, grunt in pain that would seemingly pull them back to their 'job'. A typical question would be where the "specific item on sale is". I would show the item on the flyer. The typical response is "I don't know" and then they'll disappear. After 5 - 10 minutes of waiting around, I find another red shirt and repeat. After 15 minutes the first guy would come back and say "he couldn't find any and can't take rainchecks". A little while later the second guy would come back with one package. Great! I take it to the cash and surprise, surprise the regular price shows up. Wait for them to finish the price check and confirm the sale item. Then wait some more for a manager to show up ( 10 more minutes) to punch in a special code. Bring it home and find out that key parts are missing and then waste more time bringing it back for a REFUND as now I'm fed up with Canadian Tire. Wait in line, get hassled and accused of fraud and put up with more dim witted CT employees. That is a typical shopping experience at Crappy Tires.

It used to be a good place to shop but now going there is such a chore. Now shoppers are getting caught in the stores/ corporations inefficiencies and have to put up with such attitude on top of all that.

I'm done with that.
haha I know that I get paid regardless of whether or not the jackass in front of me buys anything.

That's a very short-sighted view of the situation.

In the long-term view, for the store itself to survive, customers need to continue making purchases.

So, if the service is bad enough, customers will stop coming, the store will close, and you won't get paid to work there any more.

I'm surprised it seems necessary to point this out.
* Why customers seem to not realize that MOST of what is asked is right on the packaging.

Customer: Does this toy come with batteries and if not, which batteries?
Employee : Most likely.. we are going to look at the packaging and see "Requires 1 9V, and 4AA batteries" "Not included".

Now I'm not trying to put customers down, all I'm trying to state is that if customers would take the 5 seconds to READ (exactly what most of us do when customers ask a question), we would likely be available for more customers with ACTUAL questions (i.e.. What would you recommend if I was to paint my outside fence?) rather than those questions which the answers are right in front of you.

I've worked at CT for less than 2 months, and I can identify with a lot that was said. What sticks out the most to me however, is the fact that the vast majority of our time is spent reading a fucking box out loud to a customer. 1. The customer is too lazy to turn it around and 2. read it for themselves. If I wanted to be paid shit to read to people I would have volunteered at a seniors centre.

I've worked at Ct for a year, I'm a teenager, and I think the way we are stereotyped is wrong.. Yesterday I had someone ask if batteries were included with an item, and when I read the box and said they weren't, the customer demanded I give him a discount because "nobody wants to buy something that doesn't come with the batteries."

Anyway at customer service a customer called me a "typical clueless teenager" when I told him we cannot do a return or exchange on an item without a receipt! The teenagers who work there are not as clueless as people think. If you try to do a return at a cashier, they actually can't, they have a COMPLETELY different computer than customer service. Please don't say things like "YOU EXPECT ME TO WAIT IN LINE AT CUSTOMER SERVICE?" I don't expect you to do anything.. It's up to you, I can't do a return for you at my cash register, so if you really need to return it the only option is customer service.. Sorry.

I don't know what the policy is at other stores bu at my store we don't put things on hold if they are on sale. Please don't tell me I'm stupid and don't know what I'm talking about.. There is no way I can put it on hold, but you can always COME TO THE STORE AND BUY IT, especially when I tell you there is 270 in stock and you claim you are coming to the store in an hour. As a cashier I can gaurantee you we will not sell 270 of anything in an hour.

People think we are trying to scam them with returns. Keep your receipt and it's really not that complicated. Customers claim there are hidden "small print" warranties that say repair only. I'm not sure where you guys are shopping but at my store the warranty statement is under the item.. IN CAPS, BOLDED, AND UNDERLINED. We do not strategically put repair only warranties on shitty products. The warranty you have is with the MANUFACTURER, you're just dealing with them threw us. The reason it is a repair only warranty is because the manufacturer doesn't want to exchange it, complain to them, not the girl working at customer service.

People may not realize but the girl standing at customer service was not the one who created the store policies. She does need your receipt, unless she wants to be fired. I realize there is a sign that says if you have a managers discretion a return may be accepted.. This is in special situations where a customer for example.. pays for something 10 minutes earlier, then we can probably find the information from the receipt by looking it up on the cash register they paid at. It does not mean everyone can return things without a receipt.
I've worked at Ct for a year,

Interesting - the message The Kid is replying to was posted almost exactly a year ago.


I'm a teenager, and I think the way we are stereotyped is wrong … a customer called me a "typical clueless teenager

This was followed by The Kid showing the world just how clueless they are. Big surprise.

Maybe after The Kids gets out of high school, moves out of their parent's house, and buy a car and a house, they might have a wider perspective on things.

People think we are trying to scam them with returns.

Yeah, that’s sure how it looks, when CT has a long list of excuses to refuse returns that would just be routine at any other major Canadian retailer.

Keep your receipt and it's really not that complicated.


Yeah, it only gets complicated if the item is not “in its original condition and packaging”, i.e., you opened it to seem what shape it was in.

Or if the store tries to add something about the packaging itself being in its original condition, too.

Or add something about the package itself being “sealed” or “unopened” – nothing about that on the web site or on the receipt, though.

Or it can get complicated if the item is “exchange only” and you want a refund.

Or it’s “repair only” and you want a refund or exchange.

Or the if it doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do based on what the package claims.

Of if CT thinks you’ve returned too many things already.

Or any of the other items on the long, long list of ‘complications’ that CT keeps adding to.

I'm not sure where you guys are shopping but at my store the warranty statement is under the item.. IN CAPS, BOLDED, AND UNDERLINED.

I’m not sure what store The Kid works at, but I’ve never seen any signs like this in any store I’ve visited. Not that I go there much these days, of course, but not one. Single. Time.

We do not strategically put repair only warranties on shitty products.

Really? I guess The Kid hasn’t heard of the Simoniz Scam, and the CT Manager who called these products “horrible”. You’d think The Kid would know how to Google, at least.

The warranty you have is with the MANUFACTURER, you're just dealing with them threw us.

Sounds like The Kid has never heard of the implied warranty in the Sale Of Goods Act, either. You know, the one that says the retailer is responsible for defective items, and has to provide either a refund or (if the customer wants) an exchange. Yeah, let’s take all our legal advice from someone too young to legally drink, LOL!

The reason it is a repair only warranty is because the manufacturer doesn't want to exchange it,

I guess the clueless teenager doesn't know that the store agreed to this deal, to get products at a lower cost. Other stores offer identical items with 'satisfaction guaranteed' return policies.

So how come CT agreed to sell these items without getting a credit from the manufacturer, if the store gives the customer a refund or exchange? I guess The Kid is also unaware of the CT people who’ve already posted here explaining that the store gets items at a lower cost. So, the store can offer it for a lower price, but will lose money if they give a customer a refund or exchange. This is the deal CT entered into, but other stores took the high road, paid more, but are able to offer better return policies.

It seems to me that Mommy and Daddy are still doing all of The Kid’s shopping, so the youngster really doesn’t know how much better the other major retailers are, by comparison.

Yeah, The Kids seems far too young and inexperienced to fully understand how typically clueless they are. And just how much CT sucks.
Interesting - the message The Kid is replying to was posted almost exactly a year ago.


This was followed by The Kid showing the world just how clueless they are. Big surprise.

Maybe after The Kids gets out of high school, moves out of their parent's house, and buy a car and a house, they might have a wider perspective on things.

Yeah, that’s sure how it looks, when CT has a long list of excuses to refuse returns that would just be routine at any other major Canadian retailer.


Yeah, it only gets complicated if the item is not “in its original condition and packaging”, i.e., you opened it to seem what shape it was in.

Or if the store tries to add something about the packaging itself being in its original condition, too.

Or add something about the package itself being “sealed” or “unopened” – nothing about that on the web site or on the receipt, though.

Or it can get complicated if the item is “exchange only” and you want a refund.

Or it’s “repair only” and you want a refund or exchange.

Or the if it doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do based on what the package claims.

Of if CT thinks you’ve returned too many things already.

Or any of the other items on the long, long list of ‘complications’ that CT keeps adding to.

I’m not sure what store The Kid works at, but I’ve never seen any signs like this in any store I’ve visited. Not that I go there much these days, of course, but not one. Single. Time.

Really? I guess The Kid hasn’t heard of the Simoniz Scam, and the CT Manager who called these products “horrible”. You’d think The Kid would know how to Google, at least.

Sounds like The Kid has never heard of the implied warranty in the Sale Of Goods Act, either. You know, the one that says the retailer is responsible for defective items, and has to provide either a refund or (if the customer wants) an exchange. Yeah, let’s take all our legal advice from someone too young to legally drink, LOL!

I guess the clueless teenager doesn't know that the store agreed to this deal, to get products at a lower cost. Other stores offer identical items with 'satisfaction guaranteed' return policies.

So how come CT agreed to sell these items without getting a credit from the manufacturer, if the store gives the customer a refund or exchange? I guess The Kid is also unaware of the CT people who’ve already posted here explaining that the store gets items at a lower cost. So, the store can offer it for a lower price, but will lose money if they give a customer a refund or exchange. This is the deal CT entered into, but other stores took the high road, paid more, but are able to offer better return policies.

It seems to me that Mommy and Daddy are still doing all of The Kid’s shopping, so the youngster really doesn’t know how much better the other major retailers are, by comparison.

Yeah, The Kids seems far too young and inexperienced to fully understand how typically clueless they are. And just how much CT sucks.

You guess, you guess and you guess. yeah that's about all most of you do on here is guess at what you THINK is right. Guess and what you think is going on. Guess at the law, the policies, the procedures, the products, the staff...guess guess guess.

Thanks for proving the "clueless" teenagers point, simply by calling him/her clueless. Let me tell you something, the students that work in my store are for the most part quite bright. In fact, they know as much or more then some full time adults. Why? Because they pick up on technology as an example. These kids can find products and information in our computer system amazingly fast. I have two young girls that move stock to the shelves faster then anyone in the building. My part time customer service girl can tell you where damn near any product in the store is, and she doesn't really come out from behind the desk. My 3 auto parts kids know more about small engines, bicycles, stereo equipment, car cleaning products and atv and dirt bikes then most of the guys in town who do it full time.

These kids put forth more effort for the dollars they earn in a day then some full timers.

Your personal beliefs on "clueless" teenagers is a shame for you, and those around you. You sir have no clue the value of developing work skills and ethics at the teenage level. Guess who's coming up next to run your company? These young kids who are graduating soon, off to college, off to work, off to skilled trades. If along they way we get to work with them as they develop skills in dealing with people, handling money, responsibility and the simple things like being on time, being loyal, being responsible and ideally money management when they save up to buy a car! Those skills don't just magically appear, they are taught and developed by their first employers as they work through school.

You sir, are actually the clueless one
Remember, faker advocate posts under many pseudo-names and fake posts responses from year old posts just to get attention.
Check out the donate button
This site is looking to put cash in someone's pocket
I bet more than half the "consumer" posts on here are fake stories made up by faker advocate
Interesting - the message The Kid is replying to was posted almost exactly a year ago.


This was followed by The Kid showing the world just how clueless they are. Big surprise.

Maybe after The Kids gets out of high school, moves out of their parent's house, and buy a car and a house, they might have a wider perspective on things.

Yeah, that’s sure how it looks, when CT has a long list of excuses to refuse returns that would just be routine at any other major Canadian retailer.


Yeah, it only gets complicated if the item is not “in its original condition and packaging”, i.e., you opened it to seem what shape it was in.

Or if the store tries to add something about the packaging itself being in its original condition, too.

Or add something about the package itself being “sealed” or “unopened” – nothing about that on the web site or on the receipt, though.

Or it can get complicated if the item is “exchange only” and you want a refund.

Or it’s “repair only” and you want a refund or exchange.

Or the if it doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do based on what the package claims.

Of if CT thinks you’ve returned too many things already.

Or any of the other items on the long, long list of ‘complications’ that CT keeps adding to.

I’m not sure what store The Kid works at, but I’ve never seen any signs like this in any store I’ve visited. Not that I go there much these days, of course, but not one. Single. Time.

Really? I guess The Kid hasn’t heard of the Simoniz Scam, and the CT Manager who called these products “horrible”. You’d think The Kid would know how to Google, at least.

Sounds like The Kid has never heard of the implied warranty in the Sale Of Goods Act, either. You know, the one that says the retailer is responsible for defective items, and has to provide either a refund or (if the customer wants) an exchange. Yeah, let’s take all our legal advice from someone too young to legally drink, LOL!

I guess the clueless teenager doesn't know that the store agreed to this deal, to get products at a lower cost. Other stores offer identical items with 'satisfaction guaranteed' return policies.

So how come CT agreed to sell these items without getting a credit from the manufacturer, if the store gives the customer a refund or exchange? I guess The Kid is also unaware of the CT people who’ve already posted here explaining that the store gets items at a lower cost. So, the store can offer it for a lower price, but will lose money if they give a customer a refund or exchange. This is the deal CT entered into, but other stores took the high road, paid more, but are able to offer better return policies.

It seems to me that Mommy and Daddy are still doing all of The Kid’s shopping, so the youngster really doesn’t know how much better the other major retailers are, by comparison.

Yeah, The Kids seems far too young and inexperienced to fully understand how typically clueless they are. And just how much CT sucks.

I am aware the post was from a year ago but I am trying to clear up some rumors going around. I don't know what Canadian Tire your shopping at, so you might want to try another one. We don't care if it's in the original packaging, we just put it to defective if it's not. (If it's within the 90 days) The only time an item is exchange only is when the 90 days is up and the manufacturer has an exchange only warranty that is stated on your receipt. The warranty is always stated on your receipt and if you don't like it, you have 90 days to return it/change your mind BEFORE the warranty becomes effective.

One bad CT manager does not mean every manager is like that. We have some good managers, and some bad.. every store does. You are just showing how uneducated half the customers there are. By the way I am old enough to legally drink.

The retailer IS oof course responsible for defective items, look on your receipt you have 90 days, then after that you have a warranty with the manufacturer, which we do honor. If it's a shitty manufacturer and they only have an exchange warranty, we actually can't take the product back and give you a refund. I didn't make this policy, and neither did our managers, but there's just no way we can do it. It doesn't make us stupid, I would love to give everyone a refund on everything, but it's just not possible.

Obviously stores get items at a lower cost. It's not a charity, all stores sell things at a higher price to make a profit, and owners aren't willing to lose money by doing returns that are not accepted by the manufacturer. The money would be coming straight out of the owners pocket and they would end up losing money if they did that for everyone.

We do get credit from the manufacturer if it is an acceptable return/exchange (within the 90 days, after that it depends on the warranty the item has. But the store is still credited for it) For example if an item is repair only, the manufacturer will credit us to get it repaired, but they won't credit us to give you your money back, or a brand new item. To sell the item CT has to agree with those terms..
Remember, faker advocate posts under many pseudo-names and fake posts responses from year old posts just to get attention.
Check out the donate button
This site is looking to put cash in someone's pocket
I bet more than half the "consumer" posts on here are fake stories made up by faker advocate

What exactly does this have to do with donating to this website. You mention about so called "Pseudo-names" when you, yourself are under one. You are not signed in so who are you to talk.

YOU yourself, can post fake postings all you want because you are completely hidden. Step up to the plate and actually practice what you preach.

Talk about being being a hypocrite.
I’m not sure what store The Kid works at, but I’ve never seen any signs like this in any store I’ve visited. Not that I go there much these days, of course, but not one. Single. Time.

It's on your receipt stated under the item you purchase.