i'd like to see ct keep expanding into whites and auto source until they completely burn through all their money

go expansion!

go expansion!
So, which is it?

Are you a moron, or liar?

They are a liar, obviously.

When was the last time anybody saw a post on her from a ct defender that DIDN'T contain an obvious lie?

Why would a post suddenly be just moronic, and not follow the clear pattern of CT lies?

The only person we seem able to trust on here is davidler.

And the ct liars seem to attack people who tell the truth much more than any of the ct haters who post the nasty stuff.

Its like, yeah, call me names, but dont mess with my illegal profits.

So, yeah. Liar.

No doubt.
i'd like to see ct keep expanding into whites and auto source until they completely burn through all their money

go expansion!

go expansion!

Really? That's all you've got in your bag now? A failed expansion 30 years ago? 30
3 decades!

How about harping on something one of you claimed and haven't backed up. ...........still waiting on the list of top 20 retailers that you said we weren't on. Wheres's the list? Who's on it? who created it? What does it measure?

Come on, don't make claims and not follow up. That's a job reserved for Policitians
They are a liar, obviously.

The only person we seem able to trust on here is davidler.

No doubt.

Nice! Okay let me paraphrase everything DavidLER has to say

If you feel you've been cheated, reference the Consumer Protection Act, Sale of Goods Act or just call your local Consumer Affairs Department. They will tell you that everything Canadian Tire does is illegal.

Tomorrow I will be shopping at each retailer with an unbiased opinion. Really, it will be unbiased. Even though I'm posting it on a Canadian Tire hate site, I won't make any judgements or decisions ahead of time

By the way, if you need any assistance i've provided links to the Consumer Protection Act
They are a liar, obviously.

When was the last time anybody saw a post on her from a ct defender that DIDN'T contain an obvious lie?

Why would a post suddenly be just moronic, and not follow the clear pattern of CT lies?

The only person we seem able to trust on here is davidler.

And the ct liars seem to attack people who tell the truth much more than any of the ct haters who post the nasty stuff.

Its like, yeah, call me names, but dont mess with my illegal profits.

So, yeah. Liar.

No doubt.

Most of the posters on here have been DavidLer....both under his name and the many fake posts under unregistered names and 1 day sign ons. No one is fooled.

When faced with tough questions, he goes into "unregistered mode"....but never answers the questions....ever. I'm not a big fan of the mentally ill posting on open forums.
How convenient , again ignoring the facts about Lowes and Home Depot that are presented.
How do you respond to Lowe's slow growth of adding stores in Canada?
How do you respond to Home Depot's pathetic growth of 11 stores GLOBALLY during same period?

or do you choose to ignore them because it shoots down your argument that CT isn't expanding?

Or, were you just wrong and in fact CT's pace of growth is right on target with every other retailer? Yah, that's it!

I had a lovely Easter weekend with the appropriately dressed bunnies. I see another laughable business lesson from the i Can't Trust dealer who still gets confused with basic numbers. Did you find some magic lint between your chins and stomachs for more proof of your success? Really, your skills at financials is really a total failure. Wasn't it you who wanted to show how superior Common Trash financials compared to only a small part of Costco to make your argument!? Again, nothing new, distorting facts and data is a way of life for this Clinical Tubby.

I'll quickly cut to the chase. You're comparing Lowes growth in Canada to that of Cur's still Tripping? Ha. Lowes is still around after 4 years and still adding stores, 26 including the new one coming soon in Sask. and homedepot is still here. Lowes went after the sweet spots first and has a good roll out plan. How is CT's international growth ? What's that? None? Then you got f' all to talk about. And how long did you dumb dumb's last in the US? How many hundreds of millions did your dealers and corporation lose? You know, the facts that you're still in denial about. Oh that's right, in your hands it was a TOTAL FAILURE. Loser!!! usa usa usa lol. So you shouldn't even talk about something you know f'all about.

Now, would I have made money if I invested at the stock height of 2008 till now? Lets see with homedepot it's 23% gain,lowes was flat and crappy triangle? A loss of 20%. In your hands everything turns to shit.

As for your measly 6 new stores, whatsa matter? Investors already know that the markets getting too crowded and can't make your bullshit projections? Can't find people to buy into your millionaire -owner bullshit any more? You still haven't proved that owners are millionaires lol. Investors getting scared that Target, Lowes, Walmart, HomeDepot, Rona, Sears etc will be crowding CT out? Like I said before, far easier, quicker ways to make money than CT retail. Ct's not even in the top 30 canadian retailers! But guess who's there? Lowes! My money's on your competition. Sniff sniff...I smell ct store closings.

Come on, don't make claims and not follow up. That's a job reserved for Policitians
...are you campaigning to be the Frito Lay mayor because you spew bullshit all the time.

So stick to scanning chips in the snack food aisle tubby. If only you were as fast at grabbing customer service concepts as you are grabbing at the nachos. Try not to get anywhere in a hurry, the friction from your thighs rubbing together and the fact that you sweat lard might make you combust, hurting beauties the next block over.
wait wait wait, before i address any of your other bullshit, let's go back to this top canadian retailer thing which has now been claimed not once, but twice. Despite me asking 3 times for this report and ranking i have seen zero.

I ask again, who is ranking the retailers? what is it ranking? where is this report?

cough it up
Hello. Somebody help my fat ass of the toilet! Where's my bucket of fudge and KFC. Hello I'm waiting.wait wait wait. Despite me asking 3 times I'm still waiting. Don't call me a stupid lazy fat ass. I'm a human being and deserve respect even though I rip people off at CT. Where's my fudge and poutine and diet coke? I'm waiting!!! This will make it the 8th time I'm asking. Somebody get me off the toilet! But if the food arrives first, I'll eat. Get some air freshner. That'll be my first, no 3rd request.
Funny how this little thread over here died quickly with two little notes

1) Losers could not respond to the FACT that Lowes & Home Depot had slow expansion in Canada and Worldwide
2) Top Retailers list that Lowes is apparently on still has not surfaced

Come on losers, you can't just hop threads and hope to dodge the topic when really it's just that you can't back up your claims. Come to the plate, lets play some fucking ball!

Produce something tangible for 1 and 2
Something, anything