
Posted by an unregistered user
I was at the Bentall Street Canadian Tire location in Vancouver this evening with a family member who was wanting to return an unopened smoke detector trio. It was within 90 days, I think it's only been 33 days. I don't believe smoke detectors fall under the category of the 'electronics that may only be returned within 30 days'. The manager certainly didn't say so. What the rude manager did say that it had to be returned within 14 days, and that was the refund policy and it's like that in all stores in general, that we should know that- it's common sense. Now nowhere on the receipt does it say it's 14 days. When my family member asked for the manager's name, she walked away VERY quickly, ignoring the question. Is it just me, or is this just plain ridiculous on the part of Canadian Tire? I tried calling Corporate Customer Relations but they're closed. I may try again tomorrow but I don't know if there's a point. Does anyone know anything about a supposed CT 14 day refund policy?
If it was indeed unopened as you so claim (Sealed, Not used, resellable) then I don't see a reason why really to not allow the return. While it IS up to the particular stores descession, I don't see why it would be a hassle.
If it was indeed unopened as you so claim (Sealed, Not used, resellable) then I don't see a reason why really to not allow the return. While it IS up to the particular stores descession, I don't see why it would be a hassle.

So, if someone opens up a sealed package and finds that the item breaks after the first use then they're shit out of luck, are they?

P.S. - What the hell is "descession", genius?
So, if someone opens up a sealed package and finds that the item breaks after the first use then they're shit out of luck, are they?

P.S. - What the hell is "descession", genius?

Pardon? Return is sellable, unused condition is a return.
Finding it defective is just that, DEFECT. Warranty. So why would you claim you're SOL?
Pardon? Return is sellable, unused condition is a return.
Finding it defective is just that, DEFECT. Warranty. So why would you claim you're SOL?

Another example of Canadian Tire not standing by their products. Why should I have to go to the trouble of mailing a product back to a manufacturer at my own expense when I just bought it 30 minutes ago?
There are other businesses out there who are more than glad to take back defective items on the spot for either refund or exchange. To hell with Canadian Tire.
Another example of Canadian Tire not standing by their products. Why should I have to go to the trouble of mailing a product back to a manufacturer at my own expense when I just bought it 30 minutes ago?
There are other businesses out there who are more than glad to take back defective items on the spot for either refund or exchange. To hell with Canadian Tire.

Mailing products back to the manufacture? What exactly are you talking about. You return it to a Canadian Tire with your receipt and the situation is handled as per Warranty.
CT MANAGER have you ever heard of consumer confidence? If I buy an item from your store and it's crap (ie a down jacket with fleece lining that turns out to shed feathers) and there isn't a reasonable replacement in store at that time give me my money back. I've choosen an actual store and not ordered online because I want hassle free service. Service, not attitude, not to be treated like I've commited a greivous crime by expecting a big retailer not to sell me crap. It's not up to me the consumer to quality control your store's purchases, if CT won't stand behind there products then as a consumer I have no use for them.

In my situation a $100.00 purchase that I did finally get my money back, but not before being told by the stores manager that I was "making a stink". I was planning on buying an eliptical machine for xmas from CT-but not now. I'm telling everyone I know about CT's crappy service and misleading return policy.

I will be voting with my dollar.
I see.. So you get bad service in your opinion from 1 store and you decide to boycott the entire corporation, where do you see the logic in that?

Canadian tire many have to eat the cost of the merchandise so there is a code 12 (Customer Satisfaction). Many of the stores are franchised so it's the dealer who has to eat the cost so it's up to that particular stores discretion whether to or not.

Personally if a customer told me that it was shedding features and they had their receipt, I would have no problem giving back their tender paid. If the Canadian tire you went to didn't do that, I would say not to shop at their store but why boycott the entire corporation?

You going to boycott Wendy's because they missed fries in your last few orders?? Where does that make any sense? There is always 2 sides of a story and from what you described it seems you likely are not giving us the entire story. My guess is you were trying to get your tender back for the item without a receipt? That I can see happening where you would then cause a fuss that they would not give back your money... am I right?
No I had a reciept, it was within the 90 days. The jacket had been worn, I did not try to conceal that. I did not imbelish, I did not raise my voice or behave rudely. I asked to speak to the supervisors when my clerk could not help me.

I was the one who was treated badly. I didn't accuse the manager of selling me crap even after she went on about how she doesn't make down jackets and doesn't know whats wrong with it. She really wanted me to understand that this was CT's policy. I got it-I'm not buying anything at CT because of it.

The policy says that the store is not going to be held accountable for quality. Again I got it and I will choose to do business with retailers who are willing to stand behind there products.

Ps-You are not helping CT's cause, your attitude only proves that the store has contempt for it's customers. You assume and imply that I did something wrong or was being decietful! Wow.

I own a successful business, if I treated my customers the way that I've been treated I wouldn't have many.

Again I will be voting with my dollar. Thanks CT Manager for making it extra clear for me.
No CT doesn't honor their return policy. CT is disgusting, like their managers attitudes(example above) When you want to return a defective product they make an issue out of it and refuse to return the product. The general manager lied through her teeth and tried to make me look like a lier. She said the reason for not returning the item was because she didn't know if she would get the money back from the manufacturer, pig.
From the various feedback I've read it on this & other complaints sites, it would appear my experience last night is not isolated. CT appears to have a pattern of:
1) having different return/exchange/repair policies for different items, and not sharing them with the customer until the time of return;
2) only providing a hassle-free refund if it's in some obviously sealed packaging that has obviously never been opened;
3) if it has been opened/used at all then it is not "resellable" and they won't accept the return;
4) if it has been opened/used AND defective, they expect the customer to bear the burden of defective products through the warranty process.

We'd had only 2 return experiences with the Bentall St location in Vancouver, and they were both negative. We have witnessed many others and they all seem unfair and insulting to the customer.

I have never heard of a large retailer complain to their customer that they can't be sure they'll get money back from the manufacturer due to a faulty product -- and that's why they cannot accept a defective return. How is this a customer's problem?!?!

I am thoroughly confused how CT manages to stay in busienss and how they haven't been taken to court for fraud yet.
From the various feedback I've read it on this & other complaints sites, it would appear my experience last night is not isolated. CT appears to have a pattern of:
1) having different return/exchange/repair policies for different items, and not sharing them with the customer until the time of return;

Returns are at the discretion of the dealer. It is true that some dealers may be more strict with returns (For example: Returns that are being abused and returned after use . ie. we aren't in the business for loaning out products). There is ALWAYS fine print no matter where you go, what you buy. "Some Exception apply".
Common sense says if the product is opened and USED, obviously it's not considered NEW and so how can we sell it. If it's sealed still, or opened but in perfect condition (not used, not modified, new reselling state) then it is more than likely you will have no problem returning it (exceptions do apply tho.)

If the product is defective the warranty takes over.

Forgive me but I don't see what is wrong here.

2) only providing a hassle-free refund if it's in some obviously sealed packaging that has obviously never been opened;

Refer above on seal packaging.

3) if it has been opened/used at all then it is not "resellable" and they won't accept the return;

Again, what else would you expect? To put this used product back on the shelf? We aren't a garage sale selling used products and I am pretty sure everyone would complain on buying a vacuum full of cat fur since we wanted to ensure the customer didn't share the same complain as #3. :mask:

4) if it has been opened/used AND defective, they expect the customer to bear the burden of defective products through the warranty process.

Again, It's quite evident you are not understanding what a warranty entails

Warranty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warranties are not free. Business's must pay for warranties for the products they sell. These warranties are a type of contract for the business. A customer who returns a product due to being a manufacturer defect (btw: dropping your drill down the stairs does NOT classify as a DEFECT :realmad: ), the business is reimbursed ONLY if the warranty contract is met. If it does not meet the contract terms for what can be returned, (when, how, the means of the defect, proof of purchase) then the store eats the cost as the warranty contract is null.

I have never heard of a large retailer complain to their customer that they can't be sure they'll get money back from the manufacturer due to a faulty product -- and that's why they cannot accept a defective return. How is this a customer's problem?!?!

And again, I ask.. why should the store pay the cost of the product being return when the manufacturer is at fault (if it IS indeed defective, MANY times products are being returns claiming they are defective when they are either abused, dropped, or no longer need it once they used it). (And NO, returning a rusted tape measurer is NOT considered defective :realmad:) People like this is what makes it harder for honest people. Abuse.

I am thoroughly confused how CT manages to stay in busienss and how they haven't been taken to court for fraud yet.

Once again, what illegal act have we played? We apologize for not returning your used products to resell. Apologize not allowing you to use your booster pack and returning it once you are done with it. We apologize for not returning your tire chain once you went up the mountain having it on the seat so you can pass customs and expect a refund. :mask::confused:
Why should the store pay the cost of the product being returned when the manufacturer is at fault?

Because you sold it!!! You are responsible for the goods you supply to your customer.

How about you protect your customers and go to bat with your manufacturer's instead of protecting your supplier and manufacturer causing you to fight your customer on everything? If CT did more of accepting their customers concerns and start expecting more out of your suppliers and manufacturing things would go much better.

Also franchised or not why the hell is there a different set of rules under different stores? The sign on each building is Canadian Tire, should you not be consistent then? If you have different rules because there is different owners you should put "Bill's Auto and Hardware Store" on the wall. And don't give me the every franchise does this because you look at Tim Hortons, Shopper's Drug Mart, Home Hardware. 3 successful Canadian companies who are franchised and have the same set of rules across the country for each of their stores.
Why should the store pay the cost of the product being returned when the manufacturer is at fault?

Because you sold it!!! You are responsible for the goods you supply to your customer.

How about you protect your customers and go to bat with your manufacturer's instead of protecting your supplier and manufacturer causing you to fight your customer on everything? If CT did more of accepting their customers concerns and start expecting more out of your suppliers and manufacturing things would go much better.

Also franchised or not why the hell is there a different set of rules under different stores? The sign on each building is Canadian Tire, should you not be consistent then? If you have different rules because there is different owners you should put "Bill's Auto and Hardware Store" on the wall. And don't give me the every franchise does this because you look at Tim Hortons, Shopper's Drug Mart, Home Hardware. 3 successful Canadian companies who are franchised and have the same set of rules across the country for each of their stores.

First of all, those stores are completely different than the CT bussiness model, second of all CT takes care of almost everything at store level.
And just how are those stores different business model than Canadian Tire. They are all owner operator operated under a licenced name using the companies buying power, warehousing and logistics systems.

Or by different business model did you mean they believe in a customers comes first type where as Canadian Tire business model is I have your money, now its mine so go fudge yourself type of system.

To me it says something when a company upsets its customers so much that a website forum like this is created.

This here is the truth, when something like this is created, and continues to gather story after story it must tell you something. And that something isn't good for CT
And just how are those stores different business model than Canadian Tire. They are all owner operator operated under a licenced name using the companies buying power, warehousing and logistics systems.

Or by different business model did you mean they believe in a customers comes first type where as Canadian Tire business model is I have your money, now its mine so go fudge yourself type of system.

To me it says something when a company upsets its customers so much that a website forum like this is created.

This here is the truth, when something like this is created, and continues to gather story after story it must tell you something. And that something isn't good for CT

Its fairly easy for anyone to make a website in this day and age, just becasue someone made a web page and people post on it doesnt necessarily make any of it true. Futhermore, most stores have a thousand or more customers a day and there are hundreds of stores. If we were to acctually look at the ratio of satisfied customers to non satisfied customers i would be willing to bet it would lean in ct's favor. Also you must remember that (for the most part) a person will rarley stop and go out of there way to congragulate on a job well done but will be very quick to critisize. If the general public was as displeased with CT as the people here it would not stay in business.
I was at the Bentall Street Canadian Tire location in Vancouver this evening with a family member who was wanting to return an unopened smoke detector trio. It was within 90 days, I think it's only been 33 days. I don't believe smoke detectors fall under the category of the 'electronics that may only be returned within 30 days'. The manager certainly didn't say so. What the rude manager did say that it had to be returned within 14 days, and that was the refund policy and it's like that in all stores in general, that we should know that- it's common sense. Now nowhere on the receipt does it say it's 14 days. When my family member asked for the manager's name, she walked away VERY quickly, ignoring the question. Is it just me, or is this just plain ridiculous on the part of Canadian Tire? I tried calling Corporate Customer Relations but they're closed. I may try again tomorrow but I don't know if there's a point. Does anyone know anything about a supposed CT 14 day refund policy?

I've worked at CT for years, and if you are being completely honest you should not have had a problem. There is no 14 day refund policy with CTC, though stores do sometimes make their own policies. I can't see this being the case for smoke detectors though.

I know this is late, but you should have called the Customer Service hotline, they would at least be able to request a reasonable answer from the store. The manager at the time should have told you her name.

I'm assuming you're being completely honest. With that said, in my years with Canadian Tire this story is quite surprising and unheard of in my experience.
If you have worked with/for Canadian Tire for years and have not heard this story time and again you are not paying attention, perhaps if you were the customer being treated poorly you would have a differant attitude dude.

And this Icon doing the yap-yap or bla-bla just shows the Crappy Tire Crappy attitude, and you wonder why people find you and yours rude.
If you have worked with/for Canadian Tire for years and have not heard this story time and again you are not paying attention, perhaps if you were the customer being treated poorly you would have a differant attitude dude.

And this Icon doing the yap-yap or bla-bla just shows the Crappy Tire Crappy attitude, and you wonder why people find you and yours rude.

Vica versa...... with ignorant people like you no wonder there are CT customer horror stories.