Actually it's been provided TWICE.
Once by myself showing total sales for this line of pressure washers, and the related returns and defects, and just recently by the other dealer posted on here.
Actually it's been provided TWICE.
Once by myself showing total sales for this line of pressure washers, and the related returns and defects, and just recently by the other dealer posted on here.

Actually, all that was posted was an unsubstantiated claim, with no verifiable evidence whatso ever.

If the proven liars at Crappy Tire are going to convince anyone that products with terrible ratings, and that a CT Manager posted here calling them "horrible", are really not that bad, they're going to have to come up with something that will stand up to scrutiny.

Better luck next time!
Got any stats on actual defective rates on Simoniz pressure washers?

Read the simoniz thread and the product reviews on your own site dillhole

As for the stats on bad quality simoniz, job mate yard works craps I wished I had it to link to this site! Why don't you provide us with those stats then. Cool. Thanks.Here's the admission of CT_Manager that it sucks.
30 days for an initial defect, before it goes for repair is pretty good.
Good for whom? Certainly not the customer.
Did the customer read the instructions and follow them accordingly? You wouldn't know, and neither would we.
oh there you go again pointing the finger at the customer. Must be the customers fault that it's designed poorly. What's that up there, the admission from CT_Manager? Then STFU.

Nice try though, and your hostility is scaring the

"Hostile". You mean passion for truth, advocate for consumers, that CT really don't like? Fish don't like me reeling them in. It's a nice bbq to go with the all the boozing that's happening.
Hey speedy, without retail, you'd be growing your own food, and your wife would be sewing your clothes from bulk fabric!!!

I showed the wife this and she thinks you're a typical sexist retail loser lol. You can tell that to her face though as she's a top litigator and spends time relaxing at the shooting range.

I suspect there's been some boozing going on for years. Explains a lot.
I showed the wife this and she thinks you're a typical sexist retail loser lol. You can tell that to her face though as she's a top litigator and spends time relaxing at the shooting range.

You would think a "top litigator" would have taken the class action suit to deal with the massive amount of illegal policies.....but nope, no takers. I'm sure it's just another lie in drunken faker advocates world, which he creates for himself.
Be sure to check out all the links to the other major retailers, who all have superior return policies to Crappy Tire.

It's an interesting read!

Should be intersting how Sears actually stacks up. Zellers actually looks better than Crappy Tire - who'd of thought? And Target? Well, they're only in the US, but we'll get a sneak peek ...

Return Policy

Valid photo ID....nothing new

Perhaps the fraudsters would like to shop elsewhere....I'm really only interested in serving honest customers anyway.


What about the thousands and thousands of dissatisfied customers? Weren't they honest too when you ripped them off? What's that? faker advoc....Then STFU!
You would think a "top litigator" would have taken the class action suit to deal with the massive amount of illegal policies.....but nope, no takers. I'm sure it's just another lie in drunken faker advocates world, which he creates for himself.

aww CT dimwit lost another argument and doesn't really know why they have the crappiest policies and why so many people won't shop there any more wahhhhhh
aww CT dimwit lost another argument and doesn't really know why they have the crappiest policies and why so many people won't shop there any more wahhhhhh

So no litigation then? No class action suit? No letter to the BBB?

Must be the alcohol talking. More lies, no substance. Ouch!
The Angry CT Guy clearly doesn't like it when consumers compare return policies.

I guess we can forgive him - after all, his beloved company is shown over and over to have the worst policies among his competitors.

That would explain why he's so angry, but so powerless to show any evidence to the contrary.

Really? Lots of Valid ID required for refunds, lots of "unused" in retailer's return policies....all posted, lots of times.
And hey, each retailer has a site can even donate there.
Ignore the facts all you want, real consumers vote with their wallet and I've got no complaints with how they voted yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Angry CT Guy seems more angry about this site every day.

He wants to pretend that other stores suck as much as Crappy Tire, despite the mounting evidence.

But his is the only Canadian retailer that has an actual "sucks" domain, i.e. more than a blog page or two.

He seems pretty angry about this stie asking for donatons, too. Lets hope lots of people are taking his advice and donating, LOL!

He must be pretty frustrated, by all the proof of how Crappy Tire has the worst policies.

He can't refute that, so he makes up crap, and vents his hostility here.

If he actually works at a Crappy Tire, I'd sure hate to try and get such an angry person to give me a refund!

Good job, encouraging people to shop elsewhere!
Just to summarize, the results were:

Costco: "Overall: these policies and benefits are vastly superior to Crappy Tire, but require memebership."

Walmart: "Walmart is better than Crappy Tire on almost every criteria. For other criteria, Walmart is at least as good as Crappy Tire."

Home Depot: "Home Depot is far better than Crappy Tire on almost every criteria. For other criteria, Home Depot is at least as good as Crappy Tire."

Zellers: actually looking better than Crappy Tire!

Sears: waiting to see. Might actually be not so great.

Target: we'll have to see what happens in Canada, but the U.S. polices look better.

Hey, has anybody looked at the policies for Sportchek and Athletes World? Looks better than Crappy Tire!

The Crappy People aren't going to like that!

Sport Chek - Help Desk - Retail Store Return Policy

Better then Canadian Tire? are you sure?
SportChek with a receipt - 60 days unused in original packaging for a refund
vs. Canadian Tire 90 days unused in original packaging for a refund.

So 60 days is greater then 90 days? Nice.... That's some mighty fine analysis you've done there

Without a receipt at SportCheck - default to lowest sale price. 60 days. returned as in store credit only
Same deal at CT except 30 less days.

Name Phone number and postal code required at SportChek

hahahahhahaha your analysis here was as good as the investment advice to buy home depot & lowes before canadian tire hahaha
then click on the SportChek link I provided and verify their return policy for yourself

Complex I know


As far as retracting anything i've stated, fat chance! The millonaire claims were proven already. You wanted an outside source, you got the outside independant source who verified both the wealth of dealers and the wealth of martha billes, both of which you said we were lying about.

Once again, proof requested, proof given and you still won't believe. Not my problem you're blind to facts. Actually let me take that're too fuckin stupid to see anything objectively.

bait and switch bait and switch. It doesn't matter what the policy says, the customer service line is useless because they refer back to the store owners who screwed you over in the first place. Bait and switch
So, how do Zellers return policies compare to Crappy Tire’s, for unwanted/unsatisfactory items?

Here's the offical Zellers policy page: Return Policy

Unopened/Sealed: Applies to “some” items, including digital media.

This is about the same as Crappy Tire, who require unopened/sealed for “ink cartridges, media, and memory cards, books, DVDs, CDs, mattresses and portable beds”.

However, many Crappy Tire stores require all unsatisfactory items to be “unopened” or in “sealed” packages, which is much worse than Zellers.

Unused/Original Condition: Not required.

Crappy Tire says, “in its original condition”, but the added in-store requirement for “unopened” means it must be “unused”, which is much worse than Zellers.

In Original Packaging: Not required.

Crappy Tire requires “in its original … packaging” for all products, which is much worse than Zellers.

Minimum Time: 30 days minimum (for electronics, seasonal items, and anything not paid for with an HBC credit card).

Crappy Tire allows only 30 days for electronics, so the minimum is the same as Zellers. However, more Zellers items will only have 30 days.

Maximum Time: 90 days, if paid for with an HBC credit card.

Crappy Tire’s maximum is 90 days, which is the same if a Zellers credit card is used. However, Zellers items bought by other means will only have 30 days.

Personal Information Required: Yes (Name, address, phone number. Photo ID “may also be required”).

This is the same as Crappy Tire.

Restocking Fee: “returned items may be subject to a restocking fee”

Crappy Tire’s site does not mention this, but some stores charge a restocking fee for some items. So, both are same.

Other Limitations:
- None (nothing at Zellers has to be “unused” or “unopened”.)

Other Benefits:
- The Zellers return periods increase to 90 days if paid for with an HBC credit card.


- Zellers is better than Crappy Tire for the condition of the items being returned (i.e., if they are opened, used, and not in original condition or packaging)
- However, the superior terms are available for a shorter time (30 days instead of 90) if not purchased with an HBC credit card.
- If Crappy Tire insists on “unopened” for every item, then Zellers is much better.

- Overall: Zellers has better policies, but for a shorter time.

Note: the Zellers site does not describe a “repair only”, “exchange only” or a “no return, no exchange” policy for any defective items, so, customers can get a refund for a defective item.

Dude, you got too much time on your hands. I think Zellers is nearly dead. At least in my town.