There is not a field in the returns computer system to enter birth date or sex.... and etc does not cover anything. Customer information fields are limited to name phone number and address. Period. Nothing else goes into the computer. there's not even a spot to enter it if a clerk wanted to!

Also from the CT manager who promised " a cash refund" if you bring back the merchandise. But we all know that was a lie too on CT's part lol.

You can keep your excuses CT. I've seen enough and read enough from other threads. You lie and rip people off and see nothing wrong with that. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
No you tried to deceive again which was my point . Your returns desk does more than just look at customers ID for returns/ exchanges with receipt. You take the customers private information down.

No you missed my point on the returns. Somebody has a legitimate return and you want your toady manager to have the final say regardless of the situation. I wonder how many people are denied return legitimate and exchanges because of your "black and white no thinking required " policies.

Oh you're comparing yourselves to the good retailers now? Without BAD retailers like you, my wallet might be a tad thicker, the landfill less full of your crap, and 10's of thousands of car owners would get good repairs instead of bad ones and not have their lives at risk like the lady in the east coast who went through a red light after CT's bad brake jobs. She sued and won. Thousands more like me who feel the same way.

I still do know how the world works and because of that I don't buy into your self serving crap.

LMAO!!! I love how any loser can post on this site. Ramble much!
Also from the CT manager who promised " a cash refund" if you bring back the merchandise. But we all know that was a lie too on CT's part lol.

You can keep your excuses CT. I've seen enough and read enough from other threads. You lie and rip people off and see nothing wrong with that. You should be ashamed of yourselves!

returns | Sears Canada

Photo I'd may be required....posted lots

Fraud prevention....nothing new

Need more examples?
I'm going on a camping trip and need to pick up a few more camping gear. "Canadian Tire ?" you ask. No thanks, I'll pass on everything that's involved with Crappy Tire and I do mean everything.

Those jerks couldn't give me my money back on a bad pressure washer. So I'm going else where for my purchase. Oh what's that, my car driving by CT!!! Yep, it's been 4 years and now all my stuff works. I see nothings changed at all at Crappy Tire lol.

Return Policy

Valid photo ID....nothing new

Perhaps the fraudsters would like to shop elsewhere....I'm really only interested in serving honest customers anyway.

I'm going on a camping trip and need to pick up a few more camping gear. "Canadian Tire ?" you ask. No thanks, I'll pass on everything that's involved with Crappy Tire and I do mean everything.

Those jerks couldn't give me my money back on a bad pressure washer. So I'm going else where for my purchase. Oh what's that, my car driving by CT!!! Yep, it's been 4 years and now all my stuff works. I see nothings changed at all at Crappy Tire lol.

Nice fake post. Fakers are so easy to spot.
Nice fake post. Fakers are so easy to spot.

The Angry CT Guy is letting his hostility get completely out of hand.

At least 5 late-night raving postings, all within a few minute of each other, and none of them coherent.

The only common thread seems to be irrelevant links, ala LiarGuy.

Maybe a Valium and a good nights sleep will restore his adrenalin levels .... all because some consumers attempted to help one-another. Geez!
Regular readers will recall that the policies for unsatisfactory (unwanted) goods of various stores have been compares here previously.

The results were:


"Overall: these policies and benefits are vastly superior to Crappy Tire, but require memebership."


"Walmart is better than Crappy Tire on almost every criteria. For other criteria, Walmart is at least as good as Crappy Tire."

Home Depot:

"Home Depot is far better than Crappy Tire on almost every criteria. For other criteria, Home Depot is at least as good as Crappy Tire."

So, having lost the battle of the other major Canadian Retailers, the Crappy People are now looking for other stores to compare themselves with, such as Zellers (LOL!) and Sears. They are even looking south of the border to Target.

It seems time to do some more comparisons, and not just on the 1 or 2 points where the Crappy People think they'll win.
Valid photo ID....nothing new

Perhaps the fraudsters would like to shop elsewhere....I'm really only interested in serving honest customers anyway.


Yes, indeed. It's obvious that anyone who doesn't want their personal information to be collected is a "fraudster".

It's not as if personal information can be used for identity theft, right?

For sure, only a dishonest person would hesitate to do everything that the pimply teenager at the returns desk requests.

After all, everybody's driver's license number is freely available to anyone who wants to check, right?

Valid photo ID....nothing new

Perhaps the fraudsters would like to shop elsewhere....I'm really only interested in serving honest customers anyway.


By Crappy Thief honest you mean customers who don't put up a fuss when you rip them off? Oh like sheep? Good thing more and more people are waking up to the bad realities of your store.
No you tried to deceive again which was my point . Your returns desk does more than just look at customers ID for returns/ exchanges with receipt. You take the customers private information down.

No you missed my point on the returns. Somebody has a legitimate return and you want your toady manager to have the final say regardless of the situation. I wonder how many people are denied return legitimate and exchanges because of your "black and white no thinking required " policies.

Oh you're comparing yourselves to the good retailers now? Without BAD retailers like you, my wallet might be a tad thicker, the landfill less full of your crap, and 10's of thousands of car owners would get good repairs instead of bad ones and not have their lives at risk like the lady in the east coast who went through a red light after CT's bad brake jobs. She sued and won. Thousands more like me who feel the same way.

I still do know how the world works and because of that I don't buy into your self serving crap.

I am not familir with this east coast lawsuit and win. Please enlighten me.

Again, I invite you to the same exercise as on another thread. If you really think we are inputting your information, go make a couple dollar purchase, come back in half an hour to return it and when she's entering the information, ask her to turn the monitor so you can see what she's putting in. Then come back and tell us you were wrong. Cool thanks

Now my favourite...the landfill would be less full of our crap! Let's discuss;
Remember our favourite repair warranty scenario? Ohhh yes the one where it's been determined that a repair warranty is absolutely legal...yah that one. Good now that we're up to speed, let's put one and one together. You don't want items repaired under warranty. You want them replaced at the counter for that term. Well guess what happens when it gets replaced...the old one GETS JUNKED! So in fact, the repair policy is preventing landfill build up and you, Mr. Enviornmentally Friendly are trying to contribute to junk piles.

That's rather odd
Oh and before I forget, I see when challenged, you've also dropped your Top 20 Retailers report claim again, despite a dozen posts since then.

I suspect, this report does not exist! So again I will kindly ask, please provide the report of Top 20 Canadian Retailers that apparently we are not on. i wish to know who created the report, which retailers ARE on the list, what is the report measuring, how frequently and when was it last released.

I don't even care if you provide a link to the report, just some information, i will be happy to find it on my own

Now my favourite...the landfill would be less full of our crap! Let's discuss;
Remember our favourite repair warranty scenario? Ohhh yes the one where it's been determined that a repair warranty is absolutely legal...yah that one. Good now that we're up to speed, let's put one and one together. You don't want items repaired under warranty. You want them replaced at the counter for that term. Well guess what happens when it gets replaced...the old one GETS JUNKED! So in fact, the repair policy is preventing landfill build up and you, Mr. Enviornmentally Friendly are trying to contribute to junk piles.

That's rather odd

It's soooo typical for the Crappy People to lie and misrepresent just about every topic that comes around.

Let's start with blaming customers for the poor choices being made by the Crappy Tire stores for returned goods.

Do the customers say, "Please put this into a landfill, instead of repairing it and re-selling it as used or refurbished"?

No, of course not. Once the customer has received their refund for the piece of crap they were sold (in accordance with the law), or at least an exchange (if Crappy Tire hasn't cheated them out of that, too), it's entirely up to the Crappy Store to decide what to do.

And what does the store decidet? All on their own, they apparently decide "the old one GETS JUNKED!".

But do they accept responsibility for their poor environmental choices? Do they apologies, clean up their act, and start being good corporate citizens?

Nope. They just blame the innocent consumer, and in fact use this as an excuse to deny refunds, deny exchanges, and continue to rip off customers.

Besides which, it's the Crappy People who agreed to stock the crappy pieces of junk from Yard Works, Simoniz, and Job Mate, which are doomed to break quickly, and will end up in the land fill sooner rather than later. Nice job, Crappy Tire! god environmental management!

But whose fault is that, according to the Crappy People? Why, their customers are to blame, naturally! For having agreed to buy what Crappy Tire was selling in the first place!

Nice job, Crappy Tire! Good Eco-Business, there!

So, does their devious "repair only" return policy "preventing landfill build up"? Absolutely not! Instead, it simply attempts to push responsibility for the junk Crappy Tire sold onto the shoulders of the innocent consumer.

Can the item be repaired? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the customer should be asked to abandon their rights, just because Crappy Tire will then behave irresponsibility.

Oh, and regarding "illegal"? Don't forget that "against the law is illegal", and the "repair only" policy is contrary to the Sale of Goods Act and the Consumer Protection Act. Be sure and check out these threads for details:

Nice job ripping off consumers, Crappy Tire! Well done! You've outdone yourself by attempting to blame it all on the consumer, yet again!
It's soooo typical for the Crappy People to lie and misrepresent just about every topic that comes around.

Let's start with blaming customers for the poor choices being made by the Crappy Tire stores for returned goods.

Do the customers say, "Please put this into a landfill, instead of repairing it and re-selling it as used or refurbished"?

No, of course not. Once the customer has received their refund for the piece of crap they were sold (in accordance with the law), or at least an exchange (if Crappy Tire hasn't cheated them out of that, too), it's entirely up to the Crappy Store to decide what to do.

And what does the store decidet? All on their own, they apparently decide "the old one GETS JUNKED!".

But do they accept responsibility for their poor environmental choices? Do they apologies, clean up their act, and start being good corporate citizens?

Nope. They just blame the innocent consumer, and in fact use this as an excuse to deny refunds, deny exchanges, and continue to rip off customers.

Besides which, it's the Crappy People who agreed to stock the crappy pieces of junk from Yard Works, Simoniz, and Job Mate, which are doomed to break quickly, and will end up in the land fill sooner rather than later. Nice job, Crappy Tire! god environmental management!

But whose fault is that, according to the Crappy People? Why, their customers are to blame, naturally! For having agreed to buy what Crappy Tire was selling in the first place!

Nice job, Crappy Tire! Good Eco-Business, there!

So, does their devious "repair only" return policy "preventing landfill build up"? Absolutely not! Instead, it simply attempts to push responsibility for the junk Crappy Tire sold onto the shoulders of the innocent consumer.

Can the item be repaired? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the customer should be asked to abandon their rights, just because Crappy Tire will then behave irresponsibility.

Oh, and regarding "illegal"? Don't forget that "against the law is illegal", and the "repair only" policy is contrary to the Sale of Goods Act and the Consumer Protection Act. Be sure and check out these threads for details:

Nice job ripping off consumers, Crappy Tire! Well done! You've outdone yourself by attempting to blame it all on the consumer, yet again!

You've had a weekend FULL of misinterpretations.
It's not the customers fault, if something breaks and goes to the landfill. i'm saying you are talking out of both sides of your mouth when you want both.... you want every defective item exchanged on the spot but don't want stuff sent to landfill. Sorry it doesn't work that way. Broken gas powered items under warranty go for repair. PERIOD
It is absolutely 100% within the laws of every Province in Canada. Every major retailer of powered goods does the exact same thing, you just choose to ignore it.
On Friday, I was in checking on my warranty repair depot in town. I pop in once a month to see if there's been any serviced items, or troubles with CT items. We wander into the shop and I see a Craftsman lawn tractor hoisted up. I check underneath, it's barely been used. I ask... local fellow, two uses, no longer working. Guess where it is.... repair depot under warranty lol Fuckin Sears, they are breaking the law hahahahahahah

By the way in those pretty little links you shared, please tell me which section it says, "A retailer must provide a refund for an item, and not repair it under warranty"

Yes, indeed. It's obvious that anyone who doesn't want their personal information to be collected is a "fraudster".

It's not as if personal information can be used for identity theft, right?

For sure, only a dishonest person would hesitate to do everything that the pimply teenager at the returns desk requests.

After all, everybody's driver's license number is freely available to anyone who wants to check, right?

I don't know who is a fraudster or not. It's not like they claim it at the desk. So, in the meantime, I'll just verify that I'm at least dealing with the right person by looking at their photo I'd......just like other retailers have the right to do.
Nice try though. Faker advocate might want to hook up with Jesse
I am not familir with this east coast lawsuit and win. Please enlighten me.

It's on this site somewhere, look it up yourself.

Again, I invite you to the same exercise as on another thread. If you really think we are inputting your information, go make a couple dollar purchase, come back in half an hour to return it and when she's entering the information, ask her to turn the monitor so you can see what she's putting in. Then come back and tell us you were wrong. Cool thanks

Oh you want me to put the fishing rod down, drive from my cottage on the long weekend and waste my time in your crappy store, proving what thousands already know about your stupid ID policy, and what others have already posted on this site ??? Whatever dillhole. You just confirmed what your colleagues have been denying since day 1. Thanks. And that is customers information is entered in for any refunds and exchanges with a receipt, and factory sealed item, no matter how short a time they may have had it. Your suggestion was half hour right??. I've got a better suggestion for you. How about admitting that your arbitrary store policies were made to deny people refunds to boost your profits. Cool thanks.
Now my favourite...the landfill would be less full of our crap! Let's discuss;
Remember our favourite repair warranty scenario? Ohhh yes the one where it's been determined that a repair warranty is absolutely legal...yah that one. Good now that we're up to speed, let's put one and one together. You don't want items repaired under warranty. You want them replaced at the counter for that term. Well guess what happens when it gets replaced...the old one GETS JUNKED! So in fact, the repair policy is preventing landfill build up and you, Mr. Enviornmentally Friendly are trying to contribute to junk piles.

Hmmm lets get to the root of this CT lie and look at a "best seller" simoniz pressure washer, if you stopped ignoring your customers at the return and on consumer sites you'd know that repair warranties means squat no matter how many times a poorly designed, bad quality is fixed. It gets broken again, and again, is unfitt for intended use and ultimately spends more time getting repaired than used and ends up at the landfill anyways. And you think customers have all this free time on our hands. So my grandpapa Mr. Heroux wants to clean the eavestroughs but can't because his pressure washer is still at the shop and it's been repaired 4 times already. So the 85 year old man has to take out the ladder and do it by hand. Is that ok with everyone? NO? But it's ok with CT Retailer because you keep our money for a crap product and we have to waste our money getting another pressure washer again and those things aren't exactly small change to replace either. Here's a link from your store. Notice the bad reviews! By the way this point has been beaten to death on the simoniz thread, but CT Retailer still ignores those FACTS!

Simoniz 1800 PSI Electric Pressure Washer | Canadian Tire
You've had a weekend FULL of misinterpretations.

I suspect that the CTers are actually lying, rather than just misinterpreting.

you want every defective item exchanged on the spot

Actually, the legally required refund is what customers are entitled to if they want it. Maybe an exchange would be acceptable. Or a repair. Whatever the customers wants, within the laws regarding defective items.

but don't want stuff sent to landfill. Sorry it doesn't work that way.

Yes, consumers tend to be more environmentally aware, compare to the CT people who post here. Dumping stuff into landfills works whatever way CT wants it to, though.

Broken gas powered items under warranty go for repair. PERIOD. It is absolutely 100% within the laws of every Province in Canada.

Absolutely 100% not true.

See and for details.

Every major retailer of powered goods does the exact same thing, you just choose to ignore it.

Ok, any fragment of credibility you may have had is now totally gone.

Home Depot.

All have been shown to have no such "repair only" policy, despite this lie being repeated plastered around this site, week after week.

So easily disproven, yet you CTers seem to enjoy throwing your reputation away on it, time and again.

Have a look at those treads.

Only Home Hardware has been show to have a similar policy.

Nice job, shooting yourself in the foot yet again! "LOL Hilarious", as our old friend "CT Me" used to write, just before pulling the trigger.
Got any stats on actual defective rates on Simoniz pressure washers? No, didn't think so.
30 days for an initial defect, before it goes for repair is pretty good.
Did the customer read the instructions and follow them accordingly? You wouldn't know, and neither would we.
Nice try though, and your hostility is scaring the
Repair warranty is absolutely legal.

I'll take that one credible source that says CT or ANY other retailer has an illegal policy. Certainly it must be stated somewhere....I mean it's only been 8 years since the last CPA change. How's that call to Ellen Roseman going? What about the class action suit? W5? Better Business Bureaus? Anything?
Nah.....that's why faker advocates are so easy to spot.