Yes it's much stronger to say....... select a failed business venture from 30 years ago and pick on it.
or.... perhaps take an isolated incident where a customer died at a store and suggest it's how things happen in 480 stores across Canada.
or.... one incident regarding a bicycle.... yes one.... in 80 years, at once store out of 480......

funny how everything that ct does wrong they try dismiss, or blame on someone else

time to take responsibility for their own failings, if they are willing to man-up

don't like to be reminded of the failed move into the us market? stop postings links to complaints by u.s. customer at u.s. stores

don't like to be reminded of how your goons killed a guy? stop threatening to hit consumers with pressure-washer wands

(by the way, I see the hamilton store thread made the top ten list on this site - you must be proud for giving this guy 'what he deserved')

don't like to be reminded of how you were held responsible for maiming that kid with a recalled bike? start taking some responsibility

instead of always looking for an employee or customer to blame

it's pretty simple actually
funny how everything that ct does wrong they try dismiss, or blame on someone else

time to take responsibility for their own failings, if they are willing to man-up

don't like to be reminded of the failed move into the us market? stop postings links to complaints by u.s. customer at u.s. stores

don't like to be reminded of how your goons killed a guy? stop threatening to hit consumers with pressure-washer wands

(by the way, I see the hamilton store thread made the top ten list on this site - you must be proud for giving this guy 'what he deserved')

don't like to be reminded of how you were held responsible for maiming that kid with a recalled bike? start taking some responsibility

instead of always looking for an employee or customer to blame

it's pretty simple actually

Nice opinion.....too bad that's all it's worth. Nada.
You have zero credibility
You have less than a normal person when it comes to relevance
Have a good day
funny how everything that ct does wrong they try dismiss, or blame on someone else

time to take responsibility for their own failings, if they are willing to man-up

don't like to be reminded of the failed move into the us market? stop postings links to complaints by u.s. customer at u.s. stores

don't like to be reminded of how your goons killed a guy? stop threatening to hit consumers with pressure-washer wands

(by the way, I see the hamilton store thread made the top ten list on this site - you must be proud for giving this guy 'what he deserved')

don't like to be reminded of how you were held responsible for maiming that kid with a recalled bike? start taking some responsibility

instead of always looking for an employee or customer to blame

it's pretty simple actually

Those of us that defend ct have never once said any of that stuff hasn`t happened. Those are factual realities. The difference is that you take one time happenings, rare occurances and anomolies...and try to position them as every day at every store across the Country. ` Nothing about that is factual. It`s embellished, exaggerated, stretched and twisted.
Yes sometimes a particular product will have defect, sometimes a return goes wrong, sometimes the floor seems understaffed, sometimes staff might be rude or new or not helpful or knowledgeable, we run out of stock, we upset a customer, the list goes on.... Thats called having people, having a business, having customers. it`s not perfect,. it won`t be perfec, it can`t be perfect. We do want to improve, all the time, that`s our job. that`s how we get paid, same as you when you go to your job, which I guarantee is not perfect all the time, no matter what you do for work.

Hundreds of thousands of people, millions of products, billions of dollars...many many decades. The wrong is VERY low percentage compared to the amount of good (products, services, people, prices etc....)! That`s why we are still a growing business. that`s why we are profitable. Overall we do a great job and i`m proud to represent the red triangle. ,

Come back down to reality and get a grip on what`s real, what`s not. You clearly don`t have that
It's always entertaining when the whiney CT Liars get all upset that consumers are writing things that they admit are "factual realities", yet go on to claim that they are "embellished, exaggerated, stretched and twisted".

For a long list of things the CT Liars repeatedly write that at bald-faced lies, have a look at this thread:

That list doesn't include the many times consumers are mis-quoted and falsely accused.

And it continues to this day, including recent lies about Walmart Canada's return policies.

All they have to defend themselves is "well, gee, gosh, nobody's perfect", and "we haven't lost 10s of millions of dollars lately" or "we only killed a couple of people".

So, the CT Liars don't like the way consumers have "positioned" things that they admit are "factual realities", huh?

What a bunch of whiners!
Wow. Did he get the award for killing that shop-lifter? I heard you guys were really proud of that. Just wondering ...

You've blurred the lines of clear and rational thinking.
You may not like our stores, but to suggest that we don't care about people and that we want people to get hurt or killed, under any circumstance is 100% the rantings of a moron.

Do you have any concept of what is realistic and what is lunacy anymore? Just wondering.....
You may not like our stores, but to suggest that we don't care about people and that we want people to get hurt or killed, under any circumstance is 100% the rantings of a moron.

Just going by what the Crappy People have previously written on this thread:

For example:

"Thief got what he deserves"
"come steal from me and see what happens."
"I have no sympathy for thieves"

Assuming there really is a Mr. Citizen of the Year, I would what he'd have to say about his fellow store owners ...
I wonder what Citizen Of The Year (if he exists) thinks of his colleagues? You know, the ones who think an alleged shoplifter "got what he deserves" when he died?

I wonder what any Citizen Of The Year would think of all the lies Crappy People like Angry CT Guy post here.

Lies about what customers posted here.

And recurring lies about laws and policies:

Will Angry CT Guy get "Angry Guy of the Year"? I'm sure his fingers are crossed.