Keep in mind, this thread is for discussions on the effect of CT's competition.

The details of the various policies are already pretty much covered elsewhere, so there's no need to re-hash everything here.

However, for some reason CTME/Lawguy/Moaner1 seems intent on posting incorrect information on this thread about their own return policies, and on the policies of other retailers.

Interested reader can simply check the facts for themselves at these other threads (like and

But let's just summarize quickly the latest misrepresentations:

Referring to whether CT or their competitors offer a 90-day return policies on gas-powered equipment:

Neither do any of them.

Check out Costco.

And don't forget, Walmart has 30 days! So does Home Depot (with the exception, apparently, of lawn mowers/tractors).

On some gas powered there is a DOA policy, if it's new and doesn't work we will refund or get the customer a new one from 7-30 days depending on the item.

Most (maybe all) gasoline powered equipment at CT is Repair Only, with no refunds, no exchange, ever.

More details to be found at the Repair Only thread, for the major retailers.

Consumers should also be alert to this ridiculous "90 days" misrepresentation, which CTMe/Lawguy/Moaner has posted before. The other stores offer refund for opened/used items, during their return periods, and not just for unopened items. And the others' return periods will include refunds for defective items (instead of just Repair Only or Exchange Only).

You really do have to watch CTMe/Lawguy/Moaner quite carefully - kinda like being in the store!
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thing is if he actually told the truth,we would be having a far more reasonable discussion.but it seems like going round in circles with this guy.he lies we call him out.he goes quiet for a few days then returns spouting the same lies which we yet again disprove.its a little sad.but as long as he tries to pull the wool over honest consumers eyes,me and the rest of you are im sure happy to keep on calling him out for his total bullshit.come on mr owner actually come up with stuff that isnt instantly disprovable and you may actually get us to think a little.all im thinking about right now is how much i WOULD have spent in your store in the last couple of years,and how happy i am to have spent my money ELSEWHERE.
In any event, some research this morning me landed me with some interesting information. Checking out some competition and their return policies
Lets have a peek at some general return policies as well as some exceptions for gas powered equipment from some of YOUR favourite retailers.

Home Hardware
30 days? wow that's 66% fewer days

30 days? Still not quite up to par

90 days
Same as Canadian Tire

These ridiculous comparisons have now been addressed, in the Unwanted Goods thread (which is the only scenario in which CT's "90 day" policy can ever be used by a consumer - and ONLY if the package is UNOPENED!
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The CT Defenders seem to wiping their collective brows and muttering, "Whew, that was a close one! Thank God/Wetmore their discounts weren't as deep as the US store."

But isn't it a bit early to crack a 'pop' with Mayor Ford, just yet?

The coming price war: U.S. retail giants plan big push to win over more Canadian shoppers with deep discounts | Financial Post

My favourite part:

“We can expect to see some very desperate retailers,” said Brynn Winegard, a marketing expert at Winegard and Company.

“A lot of organizations will be vying for the same amount of consumer dollars.”

"For shoppers, that could mean significant price reductions, “Buy One, Get One Free” offers and similar promotions, while price matching and lax exchange rules set precedents."

"And the spectacle won’t be limited to the big U.S. chains, as even domestic companies like Canadian Tire, Joe Fresh and Indigo will ramp up the spectacle around their own operations."

It's gonna be kinda hard for CT to keep cheating and ripping-off customers in a market like that!
OK, some more advice - totally wasted on the CTers, I'm sure:

Want to Improve Customer Service? Treat Your Employees Better » Knowledge@Wharton

Some good bits:

Companies with customer service problems, Hess adds, tend to have customer retention problems — which can be expensive. A study by Bain & Company, published in 2001, showed that acquiring a new customer can cost six to seven times more than retaining an existing customer, and that increasing customer retention rates by 5% boosts profits by 25% to 95%.

“It’s better to keep the customers you have than to have to keep acquiring new ones,” says Hess. “Long-term loyal customers tend to stay longer and spend more money with you. The goal of every company should be to make sure its customer base is satisfied and doesn’t leave. If you look at the best retailers — [such as] insurance companies and hotels — they have all put money into this. They have invested in customers and invested in service, and they are getting dividends in the form of customer loyalty and higher profits.”
shame CT doesnt seem to get this most basic concept of good business practice...nah we dont care about our customers,screw as much as we can out of them as quickly as we can so our figures will look real good.we dont care about 3 years from now cos we are making soooo much money.BLINKERED.....but whatever.i can see the whole thing imploding pretty soon....
How is Target doing after their arrival in Canada?
I hear they are projecting a loss of a bit of money in their Canadian operations. Nothing major though. Just $750,000,000.

That coupled with a month of lying to millions of customers about credit card and personal information security breaches ....sounds likes a bumpy year over at the red bullseye of crap.
Well, expansions are indeed expensive. Not just for Target. Walmart Canada, too.

Even take for example Crappy Tires most-recent cross-border expansion: into Texas! OUCH,

But I guess we'll just have to wait for the official results before we jump to any pro-Crappy-Tire conclusions.

I'd also be interested in which Canadian outlets were affected by a breach of security, here in Canada - I looked and looked, but I just couldn't find anything!

(And still waiting for the 'new way' Crappy Tire customers can get refunds.

And still waiting for details on the so-called DOA refunds.

And still waiting for details on every warranty for every automotive battery sold in Canada, to see which is longest.

Not holding my breath though, LOL!)
How is Target doing after their arrival in Canada?
I hear they are projecting a loss of a bit of money in their Canadian operations. Nothing major though. Just $750,000,000.

That coupled with a month of lying to millions of customers about credit card and personal information security breaches ....sounds likes a bumpy year over at the red bullseye of crap.

Ouch on that Ellen Roseman piece about Walmart returns in the Toronto Sun.

Ouch on that CBC Marketplace piece from the 24th. Ct8her and Galenger won't like people's comments.

Ouch on the free credit reporting for a year from Target for a million Canadians.

Same ole, Same ole. Look at everyone, and everyone is not perfect. What a surprise.
Ouch on that Ellen Roseman piece about Walmart returns in the Toronto Sun.

Ouch on that CBC Marketplace piece from the 24th. Ct8her and Galenger won't like people's comments.

Ouch on the free credit reporting for a year from Target for a million Canadians.

Same ole, Same ole. Look at everyone, and everyone is not perfect. What a surprise.

I. LOVE. This. POST!!!!!!

Ok, Ok. I know it's in the wrong thread.

And I know it's only January, so maybe too early to vote for the 2014 winners.

But I hereby nominate this for "Best Fail In a Troll Post"!!

First of all, it completely fails in its Trolling intent, because nobody is going to buy into it, and its too vague to be provocative.

And it riddled with factual errors, like the paper Ellen writes for, and the number of Canadians affected by the hack on AMERICAN stores, that affected maybe a few THOUSAND Canadian who shopped at an AMERICAN outlet. Oh, and about the posts on the CBC page? Only a couple of Canadians say they want worse return policies (most likely retailers), and the vast majority said they want decent return policies. Hilarious!

But the best part?

The stories the S-Angry-Troll references ALL highlight just how much worse Canadian Tire's policies are, compared to all the other big retailers!

Like that guy who felt short-changed when Walmart didn't live up to their return policy? The 'poor' treatment he got from Walmart was STILL BETTER than the BEST of what Crappy Tire's policy provides!

Yeah, it brightens my day, when the S-Angry-Troll shows just how bad his own beloved store really is.

"Ouch" is right, LMAO!

'And the loser is ..... Crappy Tire!'

<Cue music>
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If the CTers are finally ready to admit that, just maybe, a consumer's affairs columnist and author might have some valid points, then maybe there is hope that up they can turn themselves around before the coming competition completely swamps them.

But I suspect they will drag out Ellen when she's challenging other corporations, and resume their attempt to discredit her when it suits their purpose.
actually if we follow sangria's logic once again,with from what you are saying the vast majority of canadians calling for better return policies,the logic of 'majority rules' surely has to apply here.majority want decent return about canadian tire finally accede to the popular demands?
If SAngriaTroll really thought most Canadians wanted restricted return policies, they'd be busy changing the signs from "Easy Returns" (which surely must be driving away customers), and instead put "Difficult Returns".

Then, of course, "the majority" of consumers would quickly abandon all those terrible stores with lenient policies, and flock in droves to Crappy Tire, where they can 'enjoy' Difficult Returns!

yes it WAS sangria who said 'majority rules'.well in the light of the comments from the show i would like to hear him defend CT on this one,whose policies clearly fly in the face of what the MAJORITY want.checkmate bozo.
yes it WAS sangria who said 'majority rules'.well in the light of the comments from the show i would like to hear him defend CT on this one,whose policies clearly fly in the face of what the MAJORITY want.checkmate bozo.

Clearly you didn't read the commentary from the vast majority of people that just don't think like you. The VAST majority thinks that people like you cost us all more money with your "attitude". There are a few that think they are entitled to a no questions asked return policy, but AGAIN, the vast majority quickly shut them down with their own comments. Continue to spew your crap, under whichever name you choose to post under on this blog, but after reading HUNDREDS of commentary in 1 day on 1 article, it's pretty clear you don't have the support of the MAJORITY......LOL.
um my case in particular was a generator that was faulty from the start,and even after having it repaired (and it lasted about 10 days after) refused me even an exchange.what no questions asked return are you talking about?clearly you havent read my previous postings regarding this whole stance is plain and simple.if an item is faulty there should be no question.we should be entitled to get our money back.if a product doesnt do what its supposed to i.e.snow blower doesnt,battery powered skil saws only last 5 minutes on full charge etc. then again i believe that we should be entitled to a hidden agenda here.but for some reason you continue to fly in the face of popular demand i.e. the consumer polls highlighted by CT(we are not one and the same,i believe he is in ontario whereas im in BC-unless i have an extremely wide ass and very long legs and can be seen from space its not likely) suggest that the MAJORITY of consumers want fair and non draconian return policies the like of which are employed by the other major retailers i.e. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION which clearly canadian tire just hasnt a clue about.if you dont work for them or arent a manager or something,im a little baffled how you can keep on defending them or attempting to by spouting pure nonsense time and time again.
um my case in particular was a generator that was faulty from the start,and even after having it repaired (and it lasted about 10 days after) refused me even an exchange.what no questions asked return are you talking about?clearly you havent read my previous postings regarding this whole stance is plain and simple.if an item is faulty there should be no question.we should be entitled to get our money back.if a product doesnt do what its supposed to i.e.snow blower doesnt,battery powered skil saws only last 5 minutes on full charge etc. then again i believe that we should be entitled to a hidden agenda here.but for some reason you continue to fly in the face of popular demand i.e. the consumer polls highlighted by CT(we are not one and the same,i believe he is in ontario whereas im in BC-unless i have an extremely wide ass and very long legs and can be seen from space its not likely) suggest that the MAJORITY of consumers want fair and non draconian return policies the like of which are employed by the other major retailers i.e. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION which clearly canadian tire just hasnt a clue about.if you dont work for them or arent a manager or something,im a little baffled how you can keep on defending them or attempting to by spouting pure nonsense time and time again.

You absolutely should have got a refund or an exchange. That's a no brainer, as long as your story is true. After all this is the Internet and I have no idea how credible you are. My point to the CBC article is that hundreds of people don't like paying for the dishonest, "try me out" and return it customer. CT8her, aka Galenger want a no questions asked return policy. No trying to prevent fraud, the customer is always right attitude. The VAST majority disagree. I am in Ontario, not that it matters. I'm not defending anyone, just simply pointing out the obvious holes in a "couple" of peoples views. I use a "couple" loosely because the 3 posters here sound like the same person.